Senate Votes Against Obamacare Repeal Only Bill – IOTW Report

Senate Votes Against Obamacare Repeal Only Bill


The Senate voted Wednesday afternoon against a proposal that would repeal major portions of Obamacare without a replacement legislation.

Senators voted 55-45 against the measure in a procedural vote Wednesday, which likely signals that a full, clean repeal that conservatives are pushing for could not pass the legislative body.

Seven Republicans voted against the measure, including: Sens. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Susan Collins of Maine, Dean Heller of Nevada, John McCain of Arizona, Rob Portman of Ohio, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.

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28 Comments on Senate Votes Against Obamacare Repeal Only Bill

  1. speechless……many of those RINO’s voted FOR the very same bill 2 years ago when Obama was Potus……there really is only one party and these same clueless tools wonder why Trump got elected…..

  2. notice how, except for Collins & Murkowski, the rest of the players changed from last nights vote to Repeal & Replace … yesterday it was Little Miss Linsey, today its John Boy … that way they think they can’t be blamed for too much obstruction
    they think they’re playing the voters by rearranging the deck chairs …
    Repugnicans are even worse than the DemonRats … I know the demonRats want to stab me up front … instead of my back

  3. Trump just needs to keep pointing out these same republicans ran on repealing, they voted on repealing, and they need to be held responsible. Portman was one of the reasons I left the GOP and became an independent in 2013 when it was evident they didn’t want to defund this legislation and they were never going to repeal it. Now vote on congress having to deal with the same shitty plans the rest of us are entitled to buy.

  4. The vote was orchestrated from the beginning.

    Repeal will never happen, regardless of what the Voters want or what the candidates promised. The socialists will replace Obamacare with more government meddling and control.

    The GOP RINOs have Ryan and McCONnell undermining President Trump and the American People.

  5. The leading cow in the Senate is Mitch McConnell. He chews a lot of cud but is adementaly opposed to President Trump, and progress on any front. He sees his role as a cork in a bottle. Noting comes in, noting goes out.

  6. Why did these seven hogs vote against their colleges and the President. Back in 2015 six of them voted for the same bill, which they knew Obama would veto. The fuckers are playing games with us.

  7. If they think waiting out Obamacare, letting it fail on its own and going back to the way thinks were is a winning strategy, they need to think again. Obamacare, like everything else that didn’t work during the Obama years, is Too Big To Fail, and it won’t be allowed to fail while Republicans are in power. That would put Republicans in charge of its replacement once it fails.

    Barney Frank and Co. artificially delayed the subprime mortgage crisis for years until just before the 2008 election, to use it as leverage against George W Bush in particular and Republicans in general, helping Obama win. Without repealing AND replacing Obamacare, Democrats will delay Obamacare’s collapse until they can win back Congress, the Senate and the White House. Then they will replace it with single payer.

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