Senate Won’t Confirm Ambassadors For Germany or Afghanistan – IOTW Report

Senate Won’t Confirm Ambassadors For Germany or Afghanistan


The Decepticon snake rears its ugly head once again as a recent report indicates the Senate will not confirm President Trump’s nominees for Ambassador to Afghanistan and Germany.  Nothing within the Senate happens without Mitch McConnell directing it.

According to sources cited by the Washington Free Beacon the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a hotbed for Decepticon payments by foreign governments, will not take up the nominations of retired U.S Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor (Germany) or U.S. Navy reserve officer William Ruger (Afghanistan) because they do not hold the correct and appropriate thinking of the republican controlled Senate. More

The fact that the president would nominate Colonel Macgregor is a clear signal of significant foreign policy changes are coming. – Dr. Tar

17 Comments on Senate Won’t Confirm Ambassadors For Germany or Afghanistan

  1. Your link includes Tom Cotton AA and I thoroughly disagree. In fact he is one of the few solid reps we have in Congress.

    The article makes no mention of anything specific, just finger pointing after stating “he dislikes Trump” and offering no examples.

    Gotta tell you, I hate that shit.

    When I’ve called out my former CO rep, Gardener, I’ve offered a number of his past actions that make my point. If you’re going to disparage someone, than back that shit up.

  2. Well don’t that husk my corn? Imagine that? Even some republicans are blocking PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump’s effort for a better world through management and not politics. Sure surprised me there!

    I thought that’s why everyone wanted me to vote straight Republican.

    But cook my grits and call me an INDEPENDENT (since G. H. W. in 1992).

  3. From the article linked by AA above: “As you can see, we have a great opportunity to flush a number of these losers in 2020, like we did in 2018.”

    So the author thinks it’s better to turn the senate over to the dems? I call bullshit. The time to work for a change of senate republicans was during the primary campaign; now is too late.

  4. I can’t speak to each on AA’s list but it looks mostly accurate to me!
    I’m not aware of Cotton disparaging the president and I personally like the guy but everyone else on the list belong there.

  5. You may dislike Gardener as I do but he votes almost 100% R. His opponent, Hickenlooper is a far left POS. When he was reelected Gov, that was it for me and I left.

    Believe me you do not fucking want the Senate in dem hands. I’ll stomach the Earsts, Gardener and Lees So cut the bullshit and get in the game.

  6. McGregor is an individual-thinking conservative and a bit of a firebrand. Hardly cut from the turtle’s cloth.

    Article V Convention of the States writing an amendment to limit terms will fix this kinda crap.

  7. Remember obama’s comment about him having “a civilian national security force that is “just as strong, just as powerful” as the military?
    Might that not be all these thugs raising hell now?
    Trump needs to know he has “A civilian army’ that’s getting sick to death of the left’s bullshit.

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