Senator Calls For Death Penalty Of Republicans Challenging Election – IOTW Report

Senator Calls For Death Penalty Of Republicans Challenging Election

And if election rigging is proven in court of law, what shall the punishment be?


According to Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), Republican lawmakers who refuse to accept President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral victory “are bordering on sedition and treason.”

“Each of us who are serving as senators took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. One of the most fundamental principles of the Constitution is the peaceful transition of power,” Shaheen said. “These senators and members of Congress who have refused to acknowledge that we had a free and fair election in which Joe Biden beat Donald Trump by over 7 million votes, are bordering on sedition and treason.”

Shaheen’s allegations are very serious, considering federal law says those individuals found guilty of treason against the U.S. “shall suffer death.”


Navarro report shows widespread fraud. Should the people responsible be killed?

24 Comments on Senator Calls For Death Penalty Of Republicans Challenging Election

  1. Yes, they should all be killed. Some lady voted in place of her dead husband. She should be publicly hanged. Some college kid voted both at home and in her college town. She should face a firing squad. We should see thousands of hangings after every election until the fraud peters away to nothing.

    Of course this all should have been done all along. Probably too late now.

  2. Also all the politicians that supported BLM/Antifa riots including police, judges, DAs, governors etc should be shot. You release violent criminals from jail for Covid you should be shot as well.

  3. Trump is just following the advise Nancy, Hillary and other two faced jackasses brayed over and over again to Joe biding-his-time; NEVER CONCEDE!

    I’d love to see all of those looped together! Toss o
    In the queen of not conceding, Stacy Abramstank.


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