Senator John Kennedy Reads Excerpts From Porn Books the Left Wants Kids to Read – IOTW Report

Senator John Kennedy Reads Excerpts From Porn Books the Left Wants Kids to Read

14 Comments on Senator John Kennedy Reads Excerpts From Porn Books the Left Wants Kids to Read

  1. It is Domestic Terrorism to read that stuff out loud in a public meeting. If Merrick Garlick and Cwris Wray ain’t putting together a Pre-Dawn Raid right now, then Fanny Willis certainly is.

  2. Why aren’t the people authorizing and placing these porn books in schools, why aren’t they under arrest for porn to a minor & related charges.
    Yeah, I understand that the po-po are in on the fix, and won’t arrest the hands that feed it.
    But you’d think that at least a citizen (or two, or three, or…) would file a citizens’ complaint and arrest warrant.
    And if THAT doesn’t accomplish anything, there’s always The Midnight Raids…..(use your imagination to fill in the blanks)

  3. See the stupid childless faggot rolling his eyes?
    He was probably thinking how dare she try to stop us grooming.
    If schools have those books they may as well have a selection of porn movies.
    Same thing.
    If my kids were still school age they’d never attend public school.

  4. Those who advocate such material are no doubt sick themselves. It is amazing the lack of common sense and decency these people display. Why do these people insist on exposing young children to such filth and try and make it mandatory for all? If parents want their children to have access to the books, they can provide them themselves. The left has an obsession with forcing all people to live by their rules. The majority of people do not appreciate being told what they must do based upon the desires of a few with fringe ideas. What happened to teaching basic skills necessary for daily life? There was a time in the recent past when these people would have been considered perverts and addressed accordingly. How very far we have fallen. We have been far too tolerant for far too long.

  5. @ President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight TUESDAY, 12 SEPTEMBER 2023, 15:27 AT 3:27 PM

    What ever happened to once parents find out what they are up to getting the hell out of town before the sun comes up in the morning?

  6. This is sexual grooming of children ad nothing but sexual grooming of children and those promoting it know damn well what it is. It is high time people stop conceding good intentions to open and unabashed Progressive, Marxist Satanists.

  7. LCD – Yeah, but he was pushing them into their own painted corner, wasn’t he. I think he did a good job of that. They thought they could stick with their high-falutin’ rhetoric that always makes for great CNN talking points about freedom of thought and anti-book banning. Kennedy nailed them there. They wouldn’t answer his question. I loved how Kennedy didn’t let the senator get away with trying to look altruistic and deny that his appearance was a good political sound bite, too.

  8. How are school boards allowed to shut down parents who want to read from those books? The first amendment is supposed to protect free speech, particularly speech that is petitioning the government (public school) for a redress of grievances. Why aren’t the school boards sued for violating first-amendment rights?

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