Senators Press Podesta And Other Democrats About Dossier-Related Contacts – IOTW Report

Senators Press Podesta And Other Democrats About Dossier-Related Contacts

Daily Caller: Two Republican senators are pressing top Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC officials for details of any contacts they had with Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS employees, and several government officials regarding the infamous Trump dossier.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham sent letters this week to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, strategist Joel Benenson, and former DNC chairwomen Donna Brazile and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

The letters ask for communications records involving top Obama administration officials as well as several previously undisclosed employees of Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the dossier.

The letters also seek information regarding any communications with two longtime Clintonworld hatchet men — Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer.  more here

5 Comments on Senators Press Podesta And Other Democrats About Dossier-Related Contacts

  1. Good luck, Mr. Grassley. I wish these guys wouldn’t insert themselves into this right now. Wait until there’s a special prosecutor and these guys have to deliver the info under law (real law) and under oath.

    “Oh, we don’t stop a burglary, we just monitor one.”

  2. With Miss Lindsey helping do you really think you’ll get anywhere?
    He’s a deep cover mole for McConnell and only there to keep things moving along at a snails pace.

  3. I read the letter. It doesn’t matter if the recipients try to get together and stonewall the Senate inquiry. Sooner or later they will have to produce truthful answers and the documents. One of them will decide that they don’t want to go down to save President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the dam will burst. Lordy! Oh, Lordy. The coverup is going to unravel.

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