Senators Push For FISA Court Reform In Wake Of IG Report – IOTW Report

Senators Push For FISA Court Reform In Wake Of IG Report

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:53 AM PT — Saturday, December 14, 2019

Lawmakers are mobilizing to reform the FISA Court system. On Thursday, Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham vowed to implement more “checks and balances” to the courts.

“The day of reckoning is coming,” he said.

This announcement came after Inspector General Michael Horowitz found the FBI was able to “mislead” the courts to maintain its surveillance on former Trump campaign official Carter Page. Horowitz told senators the FBI maintained surveillance on Page even when its investigation into him was winding down.

While discussing his report Wednesday, he outlined 17 instances where the bureau intentionally “omitted or withheld” information in their application for FISA warrants. read more

16 Comments on Senators Push For FISA Court Reform In Wake Of IG Report

  1. Don’t “reform” it – get rid of it.
    We don’t need extra-Constitutional means to fight foreigners – foreigners have NO rights (except those prescribed by international accord).

    As with Obola-Care – an abomination should be excised – not modified.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Amen Tim….it’s going to come out soon that the bastards FISAed Ted Cruz before PDJT was even a candidate. The Magic Negro was Richard Nixon on steroids, and he is still seditious today.

    His treasonous skinny ass will be popular at GITMO.

  3. “Doctor! Lassie says little Timmy fell down a wood chipper!”

    “Why? Yes? Yes, we do have uncapped medical, with no deductible.”

    “You can fix him! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”

    “Yes. Surely. We’ll just wait here on the couch. Keep us informed. When you can. Thank you, Doctor! Thank you. You’re an hero!”

  4. Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham vowed to implement more “checks and balances” to the courts. “The day of reckoning is coming,” he said.

    Grossly misleading, disingenuous, misdirecting, deceitful – all these are applicable here. He squawks a good line from time to time, but Graham is a swamp creature in on it up to his hair follicles.

    “FISA reform” is somewhat analogous to “campaign finance reform”.

    As for the latter, there’s simply too much power in the hands of pols, and so regardless of laws attempting to control the flow of money into pols’ pockets in exchange for valuable favors once in office, the money will always find a path.

    As for the former, there’s simply too much valuable information in the NSA’s massively intrusive and Fourth Amendment violating data store, and crooked and law-flouting pols and bureaucrats will always find ways around any laws attempting to control access to that data.

    Both efforts are doomed to fail. Instead of campaign finance reform, take the power away from govt functionaries. Instead of FISA reform, get rid of the NSA’s data-hoovering program and totally trash the data bases. I’d be delighted to help with that.

  5. At some point the American people have to decide how many of their freedoms and protections from government they are willing to part with in the name of safety from terrorism. There is no doubt with creatures like FISA courts around things are a little safer but I’d bet cash money that the abuse of FISA is far more widespread then Carter Page and Trump. Perhaps FISA and a number of other programs need to go and be replaced with a far more aggressive response to terror that includes punishment to the home countries of the terrorists as well as the countries that harbor them or from which their attacks are staged. Enhanced interrogations of captured terrorists should be brought back and any rights that the Obama admin gave them removed. They should become non-people and if the disappear after killing innocents then all the better.

  6. If the FISA Court(s) involved don’t haul those who perjured themselves before the court and deal with them in the harshest way possible…. then we should take that as admission that the judges who sit on those courts were in on it and prosecute them as well.

  7. Its called mis-direction. They have no intention of prosecuting violators. Seems similar to Hillary skating off on her email BS. They will continue to work around the US constitution until its worthless. Guns are next.

  8. @deplorable – second class December 15, 2019 at 12:29 pm

    > They will continue to work around the US constitution until its worthless.

    Why, Mx. Van Deplorable! Where ever did you come from? And with a musket, no less?

    > Guns are next.

    If Americans were worth saving, it wouldn’t matter.

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