Send This To Any Green Disciples In Your Life – IOTW Report

Send This To Any Green Disciples In Your Life

ht/ shang

15 Comments on Send This To Any Green Disciples In Your Life

  1. Nicely done. The renewable energy scam has been the biggest, most expensive fraud ever perpetuated. The public officials who have supported this are completely unethical. We have wasted our nation’s treasure chasing this stupid rainbow.

  2. I harp this to every libtard I meet.
    Takes diesel hungry machinery to get
    those rare earth metals.50,000 tons
    of earth to sift thru for 1 electric
    car battery that lasts 60,000 miles.
    A unicorn flatulence at best……

  3. And to continue my rant, then we have the stupid education community and news media playing chicken little scaring the shit out of the public including kids. The upcoming generations are completely brainwashed on this issue. It’s educational and journalistic malpractice at its worst.

  4. The spherical ocean of melted rock upon which our basalt raft floats contains enough heat to provide about ten billion years worth of humanity’s 2022 consumption.

    – Math

  5. The “Green” movement grew out of the implosion of Inter-National Socialism. They could not destroy the West economically, intellectually, or through their various proxy wars – so when President Reagan brought about their collapse they re-trenched and decided to put Khrushchev’s ideas to the fore and help us to destroy ourselves. The whole Globaloney Warming/Enviro-Nazi Scam is the sick, twisted fever-dream of the malignant mind which brought us socialism, perversion-ism, godless nihilism, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and a host of evils – beginning with the seduction of Eve.
    None of it stands up to Math, Common Sense, or the concept of the restrained State – and ALL of it is based on coercion.
    ANY idea that must be promulgated through lies and deceit should be suspect – but, alas, we no longer recognize lies and deceit – or we no longer care.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @Tim – FJB July 21, 2022 at 6:54 am

    > The “Green” movement grew out of the implosion of Inter-National Socialism. They could not destroy the West economically, intellectually, or through their various proxy wars – so when President Reagan brought about their collapse they re-trenched and decided to put Khrushchev’s ideas to the fore and help us to destroy ourselves.

    How long has The Soviet Union been gone? How long has Reagan been gone? The cancer began, only after Reagan? Only after The Soviet’s were no more? That’s the story you’re going with?

  7. fnuck, son of fnord,
    The reference was to the Green Party and the consolidation of the Enviro-Nazi movement under the umbrella and control of Inter-National Socialism (which is a disguise – they never have, and don’t believe in socialism; they are statist nihilistic totalitarians – but that makes an awkward party name).
    I strive for clarity but I assume that whoever reads these comments has a background philosophical and historical understanding.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Tim – FJB July 21, 2022 at 8:21 am

    > The reference was to the Green Party

    I wasn’t taking issue with the nomenclature. Rather the timing. The claim that “this” attack, this form of attack, is new(ish)… doesn’t even match the own lying eyes of somebody old enough have a grey hair.

    And assigning it to the falling international Soviet socialists, is absurd. The timing makes that obvious. But why? How would Soviet international socialists benefit from harming the international socialism that reamains?

  9. After reading THE VENONA SECRETS I was convinced the Soviet Union was behind the destroy-from-within plan. After watching our systemic demise the last ten years I’m now convinced the CCP is responsible. They own or control the MSM, they’re behind the radical environmental movement, they gave the DNC hundreds of millions, and they’re conveniently generous to weak and vulnerable sellout democrats.

  10. The patients are running the asylum.
    Maybe, but frankly our enemies are using them (Greenies) as Useful Idiots to destroy the West. This is the avenue that the China/Russian alliance is using to weaken the West… and draining OUR Treasury in the process while patting themselves on the back for “Saving the Planet” is all part of it! You defeat an enemy by destroying his food and fuel sources while bankrupting him in the process and right now it looks like they’re doing a damn good job of it!


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