Send this to parents suddenly out of their minds paranoid about their child’s health – IOTW Report

Send this to parents suddenly out of their minds paranoid about their child’s health

Tell them that either they were horrible parents before or the TV tells them how to think.

Either way, not so good.

11 Comments on Send this to parents suddenly out of their minds paranoid about their child’s health

  1. And this is a new strain of respitory virus that has made its first trip around the planet so of course the numbers will be a high because there was not much immunity out there for it. Mountains out of mole hills.

  2. And how many of those 361 pediatric deaths over a 1-1/2+ year period were NOT from COVID-19 but some other disease? Especially after the CDC admitted and trashed their own PCR test? Influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza viruses, metapneumovirus, rhinovirus, other coronaviruses, adenoviruses, and bocaviruses?

  3. What’s the point? Morons gonna moron until the end of time. The Corona grift is highly successful because neurotic hypochondria is extraordinarily common in wealthy societies where people don’t have to worry about things like starving to death or getting raped and murdered by the local “militia”.


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