Sending Christmas Cheer to North Korea – IOTW Report

Sending Christmas Cheer to North Korea

Fox News

Christmas is banned in North Korea, but that is not stopping a group of activists from sending messages of hope, faith and freedom to the people suffering under the dictatorship of Kim Jong Un.

Flash drives celebrating the holiday, and including Bible readings, were launched into the Yellow Sea in bottles so that the currents will carry them to the shores of the North Korean peninsula.

“We should be doing everything we can to get information into North Korea by land, by sea and by air,” says Suzanne Scholte, chair of the Washington, D.C.-based North Korean Freedom Coalition which sponsored the messages. The operation is part of the group’s “Operation Truth,” which Scholte says, “is modeled after the Berlin Airlift, to get critical help to the starving people of North Korea.” More

5 Comments on Sending Christmas Cheer to North Korea

  1. If things hadn’t been altered in the last Presidential Election, who knows?
    Might have been a realistic but highly unlikely possibility.
    We’re back to square one with the Norks again. What a wasted opportunity that the military industrial complex is grateful for.


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