Senior Editor of PC World Expects Microsoft AI to Umbrella Parent His 10-year-old Sons – IOTW Report

Senior Editor of PC World Expects Microsoft AI to Umbrella Parent His 10-year-old Sons

You read it.  It’s amazingingly stupid, but serious… -Meerkat”


Microsoft’s new AI Bing taught my son ethnic slurs, and I’m horrified.

Mark Hachman

You can imagine my reaction. My son pivoted away from the screen in horror, as he knows that he’s not supposed to know or even say those words. As I started seeing some horribly racist terms pop up on my screen, I clicked the “Stop Responding” button.

I will admit that I shouldn’t have demonstrated Bing live in front of my son. But, in my defense, there were just so many reasons that I felt confident that nothing like this would have happened.


“He’s not supposed to ‘know’ these words.”

If you doesn’t know the words, why would “pivot in horror”?

He knew the words, daddy.

11 Comments on Senior Editor of PC World Expects Microsoft AI to Umbrella Parent His 10-year-old Sons

  1. That’s why I love college educated smart people.
    I’ve made good money fixing their shit. Usually in a box after they assumed they could do something that simple.

  2. As with all “tools”, it is up to the user to figure out the best applications for using it both properly and judiciously.

    It is also best to acknowledge going in that OpenAI functions under algorithms written by “lefties”, programmers with an agenda. a specific point of view.

    And, as with all things internet, parents need to place age-specific filters. Cyberspace “assumes” you are an adult, so adults must erect their own guardrails if kids are in the house.

  3. One of my earliest Internet experiences was in the early 2000s, looking with my then very young son for a long-discontinued Radio Shack robot arm so I could show him what I do safely and at home.

    Never found one, but DID find a lovely article about a guy who used one to masturbate.

    And that was the end of that search, sadder and wiser and more disgusted for the experience, and it has only gotten much worse since then.

  4. Another instance of a Dem using his/her kid to say or do something which never happened at all.

    Hey journos, using your kids as sock puppets convinces no one of your point.

    And without looking, I’d hazard a guess that this editor has only a bachelor’s degree in journolism and knows next to nothing about computers.

  5. Read it again. He wrote KNOW OR SAY. So obviously there were words he did know that were slurs that made him pivot away in horror. I’m a Republican raised by a Republican and they weren’t part of our lexicon either because it was considered crude and base. And the editor is a friend. Your reporting is flawed. And politicizing politeness is not Republican.

    Yours in Patriotism,

    Barack Obama’s Dead Fly

  6. What school does he go to?
    Never mind, anything you don’t want him to know he learned from other kids at school.
    Or the fucking teachers.
    Better home school-don’t leave something that important to cretins and fools.

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