Senior Engineer at Google Suggested Sabotaging Trump’s Android Phone and Banning His Gmail Account – IOTW Report

Senior Engineer at Google Suggested Sabotaging Trump’s Android Phone and Banning His Gmail Account


Alon Altman, a senior software engineer at Google, pressured the company to sabotage President Trump’s Android phone, according to new evidence released via James Damore’s class-action lawsuit against the company.

Calling on the tech giant to use the “full economic force [of] Google for good”, Altman also suggested deleting the gmail accounts of Trump, his administration, and his aides for “abuse.”

Altman – who is still employed by the tech giant – also called on Google to blacklist “alt-right’ sites on the Google ad network (she falsely included Breitbart News in this category — an assertion refuted by a Harvard and M.I.T. study), and take down all “alt right videos” from YouTube.




Alon Alt man.


29 Comments on Senior Engineer at Google Suggested Sabotaging Trump’s Android Phone and Banning His Gmail Account

  1. It used to be “liberals” demanded MORE rights for others. Now they demand FEWER (while their increase, of course).

    There IS a mental illness at work.

    By the way – how does he look at himself in the mirror and see an improvement? That’s really crazy.

  2. ” use the “full economic force [of] Google for good”,”. Therein lies the big problem. The Libs have a moral conviction that what they are doing is right. It’s their worldview, AKA religious belief. This is why they will break conventional rules and laws. They feel it’s a higher moral good to obtain their desired outcome even if it means breaking some laws. They pursue their ideal with religious fervor because, for them, it is a religion.

  3. Google (AKA AlphaBet Inc) is likely the most evil company on the planet today. Don’t kid yourself, if you were googling around some questionable websites 20 years ago and now found yourself a new Senator in your state you can bet Google would come knocking on your door with a legislative request in one hand and a disc recording of your surfing from 20 years back in the other. The company needs to be broken up.

  4. Cynic..exactly. I was thinking yesterday how the Left’s justification of their lawlessness is equivalent to the “Nuremberg Defense.” They see their cause as “good” and “just” and they’re only operating consistently within their agreed-upon moral construct. It’s why I’ve stated before; I believe they will begin “marking” conservatives and any who they can scapegoat in some way, as they did the Jews.

    I was thinking this way as it concerns the assault on our President and our nation, and how Comey and others say, write, and tweet the incredible things they do. They speak as though they are on the moral high-ground even though we know what they did. They’re now going so far as to actually claim “Trump is attacking the rule of law.”

    In this way, agents are justified in spying and lying, Social Media is justified in banning and silencing opposing views, and Antifa is justified in shutting down free speech and assaulting you in the street for wearing a Trump hat. It’s “for the good.”

  5. Ugly dude turning himself into an even uglier chick? Or is it the other way around.

    Ugly is ugly no matter what. Stupid is stupid.
    I can see why he/she hates the world. Lawdy.

    What’s an Alon?


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