Senior IRS agent blows whistle, alleging Biden DOJ thwarting criminal prosecution of Hunter Biden – IOTW Report

Senior IRS agent blows whistle, alleging Biden DOJ thwarting criminal prosecution of Hunter Biden

JTN: A decorated supervisory IRS agent has reported to the Justice Department’s top watchdog that federal prosecutors appointed by Joe Biden have engaged in “preferential treatment and politics” to block criminal tax charges against presidential son Hunter Biden, providing evidence as a whistleblower that conflicts with Attorney General Merrick Garland’s recent testimony to Congress that the decision to bring charges against Biden was being left to the Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney for Delaware.

According to a letter from the whistleblower’s attorney Mark Lytle to Congress obtained by Just the News, the IRS agent revealed he is seeking to provide detailed disclosures about a high-profile, sensitive case to the tax-writing committees in Congress, which have special authority under federal tax privacy laws to receive such information. That could pave the way to share the details with other committees in coming weeks. MORE

10 Comments on Senior IRS agent blows whistle, alleging Biden DOJ thwarting criminal prosecution of Hunter Biden

  1. “The DOJ will do NOTHING”

    Maybe so, no, probably so, but here is the thing; these stories need to keep being reported and investigated. Not only does it pave the way for other whistleblowers who have a conscience and reverence for The Constitution, and won’t wrongdoing exposed, but eventually (and this is my hope) that the sheer tonnage of evidence provided will force their hand to actually do something substantive.

    Maybe Pollyanna-ish, granted, but either we hold out for some hope that the Republic can be saved and good people will prevail, or we start the revolution now.

  2. And in other news, Elon’s revolutionary new “Starship” rocket just blew up after a few seconds from launch this morning;

    ht tps://

    Elon is a smart guy, he will get it right.

    The sad thing is that millions of leftists are cheering right now, celebrating the demise of anyone they see as their enemy. Only losers weigh everything on the scale of political ideology before forming an opinion.

  3. ^^^^ fuah AT 10:57 AM
    People need to be wary of commenting from now on. They’re going after people who carried tiki torches in Charlottesville SIX years ago! They will be coming after commenters next. Free speech is dead.

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