Senior IRS Officials Knew Of Tea Party Targeting 2 YEARS Before Going Public – IOTW Report

Senior IRS Officials Knew Of Tea Party Targeting 2 YEARS Before Going Public

TheLid: When Lois Lerner revealed that the IRS had been “unintentionally” targeting Tea Party groups for special investigation in 2013, senior members of the agency had known what was going on for around two years, said nothing, and didn’t stop it from continuing.

Judicial Watch released almost 300 pages of documents on Thursday (embedded below) showing that several IRS heavy-hitters were aware the tax service was screwing conservative groups almost two years before they revealed it to the public.  MORE

8 Comments on Senior IRS Officials Knew Of Tea Party Targeting 2 YEARS Before Going Public

  1. The Democrat Party, a known terrorist organization, is using the entire government apparatus as it’s own personal punishment and retribution machine!

  2. WHAT!? You mean the IRS has a reputation and an image to ruin from scandal? WHo knew? I thought they had always been hated, since their inception in the 1860s under President Lincoln.

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