The senior editor of the magazine Kiplinger’s Personal Finance was hit and killed by a bicycle late Thursday in Washington, D.C.
Jane Bennett Clark, 65, was struck when she stepped into the crosswalk just off the southwest curb at 13th and I streets NW. She hailed from Takoma Park, Md.
more @ DailyCaller
Not “shifting” blame, but it was probably striking her head on pavement that actually killed her. It was a “chain” of unfortunate events .
Not enough facts to make the call. There are many irresponsible bicyclists and inattentive pedestrians out there. Not to mention drivers.
And there are some communities who just passed laws so that bicyclists no longer have to stop at stop signs and traffic lights.
Liberals love the idea of doing away with cars and having everyone bike everywhere (hence removing actual needed traffic lanes and making them bike lanes). And they always tout lower fatalities. The problem is like anything else the more of it you add, the more problems there are going to be. Their zero fatality utopia – if only we could get rid of those gas guzzling polluting vehicles is fantasy.
When you get to the point where it matters, please remember that the primary targets are legislators and professors. The actual cyclists will tend to eliminate themselves over time.
Stop, look, and listen was more than just good advice, it was enlightened self-interest. I am always amazed at the pedestrian or school child that walks into a road expecting to be seen, and expecting people will stop simply because some idiot made a law about it.
Wonkie was just speeding away away,
Thought he was Lance Armstrong for a day.
Then I guess he had to crash.
A Boy Scout would have stopped that bash.
He’d say, “Hey granny, take my arm on the curbside.”
There was a similar unfortunate accident near here some four years ago. Walkers and bikes shared a path around a little lake. A few grade school kids were biking their way through the walkers, and one kid hit an elderly woman, who fell and later died. Sad, very sad.
What was remarkable was the speed with which the town muckimucks went into hyper-regulation mode. Even though this was a freak accident, that didn’t stop them from painting garish lane markings, giant speed numbers, and crosshatching all over the place. Most mind-numbing of all, they put up signs that walkers were now only allowed to walk on one side in ONE DIRECTION, and the bikers on the other side in the other ONE DIRECTION. (They later changed the signs, and now graciously allow citizens to walk in both directions on a path in the park. The bikers are still limited to one direction.) There is no accident freak enough that the authoritarians won’t try to retro-correct with more regulation.
ChiGuy gets it
This is sad. However, will libtards now outlaw bikes or make them wear blaze orange and constantly sing so this type of accident never happens again?
That’s it.
Bicycles MUST be banned.
It’s the ONLY solution.
The Constitution clearly states that there’s no “individual” right to own (or ride) a bicycle – that it is a “corporate” or general right only in the service of Law Enforcement and the Armed Forces.
izlamo delenda est …
That’s a shame. I read Kiplinger’s every month, and did like her writing. She will be missed.
I can tell the cyclist isn’t a conservative by the words used in the story alone!
It would have been “Curb-Stomping Nazi Trump supporter who hates women.”
“And there are some communities who just passed laws so that bicyclists no longer have to stop at stop signs and traffic lights.”
Wait. That’s a bad thing?
Best plan to thin the herd without a fight that I’ve seen. Let them think they have special privilege all along the way.
“irresponsible bicyclists”
No Ann. Wait a minute. I mountain bike 3 times a week. I don’t run over anybody on the forest trails I ride.
It’s interesting. The Kippinger Letter has been around for at least 50 years. An incredible run for a news organization. And it really has always been fairly decent in it’s handling of politics and by association, their “investment” articles. Pro capitalism, pro commonsense. I H.ave seen a few of the articles by some of the authors (and I hate to say this, but usually women investment advisors) that are light weight or should I say, liberal or ignorant on the subject, but on balance it is an excellent publication/ website and decent in the financial end, which is incredible rare.
I’m sitting here drinking before dinner, but in the world of investing, it is overrun by liberalism. Your aren’t supposed to inform yourself on your investment by reading individual annual reports and comparing current and future likely earnings. Rather, you are supposed to blindly buy a “portfolio” of different size companies (small cap, large cap), differently located companies (International vs local) and “bonds” instead of securities. Just ignorance and liberalism on steroids. No basis in fact, no analysis, no addition or subtraction. Just blind belief that the “market” already has value “priced in”, just like the “government” magically solves all problems. And I see it more from the female portion of the redactors of financial information (even though males are stupid too) but it seems like liberalism and rejection of logic is more of a gender thing. I know that this is racist of me but it is an observation that I have found verifiable in my anectotal observations and of course it doesn’t apply to readers here but I’m just sayin.