Senior North Korean military official defects – IOTW Report

Senior North Korean military official defects

WBAL: SEOUL, South Korea (CNN) —A senior intelligence officer with the North Korean military has defected to South Korea, officials in Seoul said Monday.

Either Kim is really pissed off about it…

kim jong brirriant!
Or this is his plan to finally destroy the bad Korea!

The defector was a senior colonel with the North Korean Reconnaissance General Bureau, which is in charge of espionage operations against South Korea, according to South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman Moon Sang-gyun and Unification Ministry spokesman Jeong Joon-hee.


5 Comments on Senior North Korean military official defects

  1. Som tin wong. CIA Dempsey say no true. North Korea good friend.
    Kim good guy. I play golf with with Kim Jung Un. He good goffer. Have 15 Hole in One in one day. I be there. People love Kim like I love Obama. Dat no shit!

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