September 11, 2021: Twenty Years of Failure – IOTW Report

September 11, 2021: Twenty Years of Failure

Front Page- On Friday, September 10, 2021, the Philadelphia chapter of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is presenting a panel discussion entitled “Remember Pearl Harbor to Never Forget 9/11: Teaching Japanese American and Muslim American Histories.” There in a nutshell is much of what has gone wrong in our nation’s response to the 9/11 jihad attacks, and why we are so drastically on the wrong path now.

The CAIR panel is as noteworthy for what it is not about than for what it is about. It is not about the victims of 9/11, the lives lost, the lives destroyed, the magnitude of human suffering that was inflicted. It is most certainly not about the ongoing global jihad: a useful panel could be held on groups that still exist around the world that hold to the same belief system, ideology and goals that the 9/11 plotters and hijackers held, and which are an ongoing threat to Americans and to all free people. Hamas-linked CAIR is never going to hold such a panel, and neither is anyone else.

Instead, CAIR, predictably enough, focuses on the people who hold the same beliefs as the jihad attackers of 9/11 and have, CAIR claims, been victimized and discriminated against in the United States as a result. Statistically speaking, such claims are wildly exaggerated. FBI hate crime statistics show that anti-Semitic hate crimes are far more common than attacks on Muslims, which actually dropped 42% in the last year. No hate crime is justified, but the idea that Muslims are living in fear of MAGA-hat-wearing redneck vigilantes in America is Leftist fantasy. read more

15 Comments on September 11, 2021: Twenty Years of Failure

  1. I expect another terrorist attack since we are no longer a serious & strong country.
    I imagine dozens of planes will be shot down by RPGs, EMP devices etc.
    Bad shit is no doubt being planned at this moment.
    Hell our “intelligence communities” can’t even find out who planted pipe bombs on January 6?

    Fucking Clinton could have nailed Bin Laden but was more concerned with getting BJ’s from some tramp.

  2. Loco, W could have gotten Bin Laden after the fact but he refused to allow them to get him in Pakistan.

    Clinton, Bushes, Obama, Biden, all of them should burn in hell, hopefully that is where the dead Bushes are now.

  3. I said that on 9/12, twenty years ago tomorrow, when the narrative being pushed is the whole country has come together. I said then and time has validated my assessment that the progressive movement, which means the Democrats and Republican establishment, are not and will not be willing allies in any effort to defeat this menace.

    The progressive movement and Islamic terrorists are not ideological allies across the spectrum, but their hatred for America and what America stands for make them allies in the war on America.

  4. “Despotism is breaking out all over.”

    “Islam is a religion of Body Pieces.”

    “ Mission Abandoned.”

    All quotes may be attributed to Shrubby W. Bush, the Very Former President who voted for Clinton and Biden, but thinks Trump supporters are the real enemy.

  5. I hate to admit it. If our country has abandoned the mandate to crush our evil enemies, then I
    had no interest in today’s pity party. I saw a few moments of it this morning and all of the names that were read and all the beautiful songs are looked down upon with total disgust by 9/11/2001 victims and the people who sacrificed their lives against our enemy
    It was meaningless and pathetic self pity.

    Trust me. We can prostrate ourselves before them. It makes it easier for them to sever our necks. They Muslims hate western culture and at this point I am beginning to see their point, what with all the LGBTQwhatever shit. We put up shrines of flowers to their latest victims.

    Oh. And just by the way…stop calling our internal enemies Democrats, liberals or progressives. Call them what they are. Communist Islamic Fascists.

    Or something closer to the truth.

  6. The Crusades failed largely due to long supply lines. This was a major factor in Napoleon’s and Hitler’s failed invasions of Russia.
    During WW II and subsequent conflicts, the US was able to ship enormous quantities of materiel to war zones.
    Much of this equipment was abandoned at the conclusion of hostilities.

    But it seems imprudent (or worse) to actively supply the enemy.

    Which makes one wonder: Just WHO is the enemy?


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