Serena Williams Says Giving Birth Will Make Her a Real Woman – IOTW Report

Serena Williams Says Giving Birth Will Make Her a Real Woman

If this is what Serena believes this is as valid as any other self-belief. But the feminists are going nuts.

Daily Wire-

Tennis icon Serena Williams has a great serve, but all her previous serves pale in comparison to the unintentional epic-serving she just gave feminists.

According to Williams, her status as the top female tennis player alive, perhaps even of all time, means nothing if she lives not by God’s decree to be “fruitful and multiply.”

After giving birth to her child in September, Serena believes she will become “a real woman.”

“I have so much respect for so many women [for giving birth],”Williams told the Herald Sun’s Stellar “I am about to be a real woman now, you know? It’s going to be something incredibly impressive to go through.”


30 Comments on Serena Williams Says Giving Birth Will Make Her a Real Woman

  1. Someone should whisper in his ear while he’s “giving birth”, that until he rids himself of his pesky little “Y” chromosome that he will always be a man, regardless of the fact that he pushes a child out his ass or his urethra.

    Sorry dude…

  2. If you’ve not seen the footage of Serena demolishing a tennis racket during a match in a fit of uncontrolled rage, it is instructive. Never seen anything like it. She makes McEnroe in his prime look like Roger Federer.

  3. More power to her!

    Geez, what’s she ever do to you guys, huh? She’s excited about giving birth–any males out there want to try THAT, especially after carrying all the extra weight around for at least the last three months with a 24/7 backache, then get to the hospital and finally have a nurse shove her fist up you to see if baby’s in the RIGHT position. You’re mighty tired, but you MUST stay awake so you can continue ‘pushing’; once the baby’s out, you still have to push out the placenta–and everything is just a bloody-f*cking mess and you’re totally exhausted.

    But then, you are finally handed this little ‘miracle’–and all the graphic stuff is forgotten, because you are holding a new life.

    No matter what color a mother is, whatever her build, whether she’s a celebrity or not–that is the moment she’s been waiting for and nothing compares to it–EVER!

    Sorry for the graphic description and length, but I know, I’ve been through this twice…and though they’ve both passed, I remember exactly the moment Serena is anxiously awaiting !!!

  4. Giving birth is a good start. But raising an infant all the way through to adulthood, to be a self-respecting, productive, member of society, now THAT takes being a MOTHER.

  5. Whoa! Looks like she offended everyone, men, women, gays, infertiles… Tell you what, I’m a married woman, my husband and I decided not to have children. Our choice for many reasons. I don’t feel less feminine because of it and I’m not insulted by Serena’s comments.

  6. She didn’t get where she is by being a special snowflake. Worst of luck to the pussy hat hyenas who will try to drag her down. Say it out loud! I’m mom and I’m proud!

  7. I hate her because of the incident she had screaming at and trying to intimidate a line judge who made a call (a correct call) that upset her. She never apologized. I respect her tennis ability, certainly not the finesse that some women have shown but she is a winner. I respect her desire to have children too.

  8. I am sorry. I could work out twice a day, take every supplement known to man, have the best trainers and NEVER ever get even close to this “woman’s” build. This, along with MOOCH, is a big giant hoax to stuff transgender down our throat and I ain’t buying it……

  9. It’s just a funny statement given she looks… uhhh, “athletic”. LOL.
    “Giving Birth Will Make (her) me a Real Woman” sounds like something a tranny would say. It shouldn’t be hilarious, but this is where we are today with SJW’ism.
    I don’t have kids, and I’m not offended by her statement.

  10. Serena Williams has a habit of doing “the crip walk” dance after victories. This is a dance started by and celebrating the criminal, drug slinging murderous Crip gang. She is a repulsive creature.

  11. Ah hell you guys. Have you not noticed by now that many black women look hella tough. Don’t you get out much? She is a female black woman, not a man. Come on. I didn’t say she was a nice woman.

  12. Left Coast Dan is on the mark. Serena can be a very sore loser and her intimidation and filthy language on the court in the instance he mentions is absolutely beyond the pale. I also do not buy any assertion that Serena is not totally ‘roided up. I mean, look at her, she looks like an NFL linebacker. No way she isn’t juicing. The authorities showed up at her LA residence for an unannounced drug test and she locked them out of the house and hid inside a safe space inside. She wouldn’t get by with this if she was white. None of this has anything to do w motherhood. Sorry, go ahead, fire away.

  13. Good grief, now all you old guys hate new moms? I agree with old gal 46.

    As a woman when you have your first child you go through all kinds of life affirming, good feelings. Just because feminags chop balls at every given moment, doesn’t mean you get to dis all women, all the time, does it?

  14. Serena tends to be a bully and pretty sure she takes steroids. Not a fan. Her insecurities about being a real woman may have some merit based on her behavior. Having a child is an incredible experience and if she can relate to it more power to her. Maybe this event will humble her and make her more empathetic.

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