Service horse boards flight – IOTW Report

Service horse boards flight

This would “Trigger” me.

Hi Ho Silver…bird…

The Sun– Evan Nowak said he noticed the animal, which had been brought onboard by a fellow traveller, while flying on an a service from Chicago to Omaha.

He posted the footage to Twitter, which showed the horse calmly sitting near the front of the plane in an aisle seat.

He added: “At this time we would like to begin boarding with any active duty military, families travelling with children under the age of 3, and horses…”

Another passenger, Amberley Babbage, also spotted the animal at check in, tweeting: “There was a small horse in line at the airport today and I’m so curious about it. #ORD”

The horse was later revealed to be called Flirty – and even has its own Twitter and Instagram account.

ht/ js

41 Comments on Service horse boards flight

  1. Hmmm, this sets a precedent. I wonder if I can get my Service Grizzly Bear on board. I just can’t go anywhere without him. After all, it’s my right as an entitled American.

  2. No way. I wouldn’t want to be in that plane when things let loose. I grew up milking cows and pretty sure horse’s similarities would prevent a diaper from being of much use. Let alone the aroma. But if the plane crashes and you and the horse survive, you can ride him to safety.

  3. This is a bad precedent…It’s opening the door for moslem Service


    Oh, I’d better not see any “I’m a little Hoarse ” Posts on

    here…You’ve been warned

  4. I wish they would just fly these people on their own dedicated airline. I’m so sick of these freaks.
    If you’re too afraid to leave the house with anything smaller than a stick of gum, you shouldn’t be flying.

  5. When are airlines going to rein in this foolishness? I would bridle if seated anywhere nearby. It’s a cinch that if I jockeyed for a different seat or complained I’d be bucked off the plane and finish out of the money.

  6. So did she have to buy extra seats for both herself and the horse. They look like they need a dedicated row to themselves. How can that be safe anyway. For dogs and cats you need a cage/kennel. Ridiculous. If only she was in pajamas and slippers she’d have perfected insanity.

  7. Can we get our Service BigFoot a free airplane seat?

    Our nation’s leaders have gone mad. Perhaps we should blame ourselves for allowing the likes of boehner/ryan/mcconnell/flake/corker/mccain to be our bulwark against tyranny.

  8. Inflight Movie and Audio Selection
    Frankenstein at 9:37 PM & 12:00 AM EST
    They Only Come Out At Night:
    The mountain is high, the valley is low
    And you’re confused on which way to go
    So I’ve come here to give you a hand
    And lead you into the promised land, so
    Come on and take a free ride
    Come on and sit here by my side

  9. Blubbery sack of shit should just keep her fat attention whoring ass at home. Maybe if she didn’t weigh as much as a farm animal herself, she wouldn’t be mortified to leave the house without a fellow barnyard dweller to keep her company.

  10. Please remain seated and stationary until the Captain authorizes movement.
    1155 to NY
    1.23 MB (1,290,294 bytes)
    Tuesday, August 20, 2019, 17:22
    660 KB (676,153 bytes)
    Monday, August 26, 2019 at 14:33
    Shadowbanners in action in our world?
    We see you.

    Careful Owners.
    That snake and that rat are back. Just caught a glimpse of one of them out of the corner of one of my eyes.
    Painting it Black.
    Poke me just a little more.
    Go on.
    Gar on Tee’d.

  11. If I was a flying man I’d take Pete (the goose) along as a certified “Service” goose. See how everybody’d take to that!
    Pete shits, on average, about once every two minutes. And he doesn’t have an “indoor” voice – he’s sort of the Samuel L. Jackson of geese – screams, instead of speaks.
    (and he’s an African – so no airline on Earth would dream of excluding him)

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Aaaaand… of course… it’s some dumpy middle aged white woman. Bet she has “fibromyalgia” too. Probably shows up to work at 10. Has a two hour lunch starting at 11. And then leaves at 4, getting a couple of memos to the HR department done to claim she is being sexually harassed by the 25 year old guy two cubicles down, who loathes her, that she lusts for.

  13. I believe 100% that people should be able to fly with their service animals. As long as both the person and the animal are in the baggage area. Just tell them to be sure to wear layers, I hear it gets a little cold down there.

  14. bobcat – I reckon I’ll be a burr under your saddle and and saddle you with bad horse jokes, but I’ll take the bit between my teeth and try to rein in my humour:

    why did that little pony have difficulty talking?

    Because he’s a little horse!

    That pony is also gay. What food does a gay horse eat? “Hey-eyyy!”


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