Sessions Confirmed – IOTW Report

Sessions Confirmed

I’m not even going to link to the story. This is getting stupid, these petulant democrat hissy fits.

Every person on the right, according to the left, is either a Nazi, a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist, a sexist, or an idiot.

So, the racist idiot was confirmed.

32 Comments on Sessions Confirmed

  1. Yay!!! Jeff Sessions was the Senator from my state and I am so proud! Tomorrow, our idiotic governor (and yes, he is a (R)) will appoint Sessions’ replacement. I am hoping it is Luther Strange our current State Attorney General. At the very least, we will have the tallest Senator.
    These repulsive demoncrats served with Sessions for over 20 years with no problems and no accusations because they are not true.

  2. Look out though. Now they have Al “Froggy” Franken on the case.
    That A-hole mostly kept his big mouth shut in the first years of his scam election here in Minnesota. Now he’s on the warpath with Lizzy “Lie-awatha” Warren.
    Throw in Keith “Muslim Bro” Ellison and the ridiculous turd of a judge in Seattle bringing Minnesota into his pissy leftist “judgement” and I’ve about had it here.

    …Except we all know that they lost, and they will continue to lose, because they are dead wrong!

    They know it, but they refuse to show it, and so then…once again… I’m smiling. 🙂

  3. hillary. . . . hello?? You home?? um, pick up…. hello?
    “This is United States Attourney calling, are we reaching…
    [interrupted by phone being put down]
    “See he keeps hanging up, and it’s a man answering.”

  4. it’s time to turn on shock and awe, and move so quick as to make leftists’ heads spin

    start killing isis, brutally, we need successes in the battlefield, fix the roe, sink some iranian gunboats, be in china’s face in the south china sea and beyond

    kill obamacare, put all resources on it

    commence building the wall, turn mexico’s rhetoric on its head, expose the corruption

    fight tooth and nail to keep america safe from muslim savages, no backing on immigration restrictions from the mid-east

    take $$$ from social bs and build the strongest military ever

    enhance our leo force and give them the best tech available

    kill the iran deal, impose punishments, get solidly behind israel

  5. Misogynist, homophobic, racist, sexist, white-privileged, non-recognized-pansexual, sis-gendered, Islamic-caliphate-intolerant, pan-Francophobic, non-binary translucent asexual, vegan, Pacific-Islander, tribal, robot-sexed, LBGTQWXYZLMNOP, anti-socialist reactionary anti-communist fascist, flatuantly-disabled, cat-hating, gun & God loving bitter-clinger

    … I’m thinking T-Shirt slogan ….

  6. Our new AG will be sworn in tomorrow night at 8P. eastern.

    Yayyyy!!!! Catch his Senate floor speech (he gave at the conclusion of the confirmation vote) if you can. I love Jeff Sessions!!

  7. Great!! Now fire anybody hired in the last eight years at the DOJ. Then begin investigating corruption. Dick Holder and Hillary would be a good place to start. Seeing those two doing the perp walk would take a lot of steam out of the so called protests.

  8. BB —

    Tom Price/HHS/Confirmation vote today
    Wilbur Ross/Commerce/Don’t know where he is in the senate hearing process
    Steve Mnunchin/Treasury/I think the D’s wanted a 2nd hearing, but I don’t know.

    I think there are others, but these are three big ones that were pending this week.

    I usually can find what I need at

  9. you’re welcome! Did you hear what Dobbs said tonight — That Blumenthal went to the press to report that Gorsuch criticized Trump for his tweets about the leftist idiots on the Supreme Court? Either Gorsuch is an idiot (highly unlikely) or Blumenthal is lying (extremely likely). Blumenthal is that asshat who lied for years about his combat service in Viet Nam (he had 5 deferments and served on the Toys for Tots ‘mission’ in D.C. as a member of the Marine reserves).

  10. Every insult they hurl is projection. They have zero impact on me. I know that they hate blacks and just want to keep them on the voting plantation (see abortion and gun control as evidence). They adore murder by abortion, homosexual/TG perversion, and are muslim terrorism apologists. So, by definition, anyone who has a reasoned viewpoint on any of these abominations is supposedly radical. We’re not…we’re normal. They are the deviants and immoral clowns.

    The best though is the Nazi accusation. The Democrats / Progressives / Leftists are too stupid to realize that Nazism is a LEFTIST ideology only slightly different than full blown communism. It just adds a dimension of anti-Semitism and private ownership, but state control of production.

    I have zero respect for the Left and as their heads explode, I hoist my glass to toast their idiocy.

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