Sessions: Trade deal opens immigration floodgates, OK’s future Obama changes – IOTW Report

Sessions: Trade deal opens immigration floodgates, OK’s future Obama changes

WaExaminer: President Obama’s bid for fast track trade authority along with a huge Asian trade deal fell into further trouble Sunday night when a key Republican senator charged that the deals open the door to more immigration and let the administration make future changes without congressional approval.

Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions delivered the bruising blow when he raised five questions about the Trade Promotion Authority speeding through Congress and the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal that TPA would help push.

“The president has circumvented Congress on immigration with serial regularity. But the TPA would yield new power to the executive to alter admissions while subtracting congressional checks against those actions,” said a “critical alert” dispatched by the senator’s office. It was provided in advance to Secrets.  more