Seth Meyers Under Fire for Mocking Victims Killed By Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

Seth Meyers Under Fire for Mocking Victims Killed By Illegal Aliens

Breitbart: NBC late-night host Seth Meyers is taking heat after the official Late Night Twitter account joked about victims of illegal alien crime following President Donald Trump’s Oval Office address on border security.

“Is this Oval Office: SVU?” the Late Night with Seth Meyers account read in response to Trump talking about illegal alien murder victims.

“Over the last several years, I’ve met with dozens of families whose loved ones were stolen by illegal immigration. I’ve held the hands of the weeping mothers and embraced the grief-stricken fathers. So sad. So terrible,” Trump said during his Tuesday speech. “I will never forget the pain in their eyes, the tremble in their voices, or the sadness gripping their souls.”

“How much more American blood must be shed before Congress does its job?”

Meyers’ tweet was slammed on social media for its insensitivity.

“I’m sure that’s hysterical to the families of the murder victims the president just discussed” former NBC host Megyn Kelly said.

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld chimed in, “just wondering if there was anything less funny than seth meyers – turns out, it’s his twitter feed.”  MORE

11 Comments on Seth Meyers Under Fire for Mocking Victims Killed By Illegal Aliens

  1. And that fat sow Ana Navarra was ostentatiously filing her cloven hoof on TV while a guest was speaking about victims of illegals. Eventually, one of these TV f–ks is going to lose someone close to them at the hands of an illegal. We’ll see who’s laughing then.

  2. Oh! Come on, you poor mouthing, fake proles! Nobody that doesn’t have a private personal security detail, is a “person”. Next you’ll be clutching your fair trade pearls over bug zapper jokes!

  3. “Late Night with Seth Meyers” is already a ratings bottom feeder. Doesn’t matter, because the little weasel’s a tool for the Left’s attempt to destroy President Trump.


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