I was in the car and I heard some DJ doing the news with his bint sidekick and his two laughing yes-men in the background. (It’s a formula invented by Stern that has been ripped off by just about everyone on radio.)

The guy sounded like Imus, only much sleepier and smugger, if that’s possible. Like Brit Hume on Nyquil.

The woman newscaster was reporting about Trump’s EPA pick and the male DJ went bananas saying that this pick was the worst pick in the history of cabinet picks because “Global Warming® is the most pressing issue of our time, bigger than ISIS.”

Scott Pruitt doesn’t believe in man-made global warming, so the man is an instant disqualification according to the learned shock jock.

He then went on to say that global warming is settled science, repeating it no less than 6 times. He then doubled down to say it’s “settled science that man is causing the warming,” a claim that even ardent warmists are careful not to make.

What makes this story more absurd is that the next topic they tackled was “fake news.” The DJ was very concerned with the stories that float around on Facebook that are not fact-based, you know, like stories that say it’s difficult to determine if man is actually causing global warming, if it exists at all. That would be “fake news” according to this dope.


  1. Settled Science. That’s so absurd. That’s so stupid. Settled Science. Just fucking screams “agenda”.
    Science is NEVER settled. Unless you have an agenda I guess.

  2. THE ONLY PART OF THIS SCIENCE that is true is that which stipulates the Earth has heating and cooling cycles based on Solar Flare activity from our sun. Anything else is a “jill stein attempt’ to grab money for carbon credits. Fuck them where they breathe.

  3. Settled science is like the earth revolves around the sun. Predicting the weather 3 days, 3 years, or 3 decades out is not settled science. That is great that Trump spoke with AlGore and then made him look insignificant with his EPA pick. Getting an interview at Trump Tower doesn’t necessarily mean you are being taken seriously.

  4. Global Warming Science is is based on the same data as Weather Science. Weather Forecasting is the only job where 2 out of 5 correct forecasts is good enough to keep your job. Makes me wonder about Global Warming Science.

  5. Here’s some settled science. That gaseous, flaming, blinding, giant star we know as “the sun” makes up about 99.8% of the mass of our entire solar system.

    Yet the morons screaming “global warming” or “climate change” apparently can’t accept the fact that the single object that is practically 100% of the mass of our solar system and has a temperature of about 3.5 million degrees Fahrenheit at its surface (about 9 times that at the core) obviously has, by far, the most significant effect on the temperature and climate of our planet of relatively insignificant mass.

  6. BB, actually it’s only about 10 K* F on the surface but 27 mil* F at the core. That doesn’t change your thesis one bit, however. Agreed, and to go all nineties about it, “it’s the sun, stupid”. That’s why they were seeing the polar ice caps on Mars receding back in ’05. Told us all we needed to know.

  7. Yup. It’s the greatest OXYMORON ever sold.
    Science BY DEFINITION is NEVER settled.

    p.s. my small wish for 2017 is that all on the Right stop using the Left’s jargon of “climate skeptic.” WE’RE the SANE ones, after all….

  8. Not to mention that a single volcanic eruption (such as Mt. Pinatubo back in 1991) release more gases and toxins into the atmosphere than all of mankind thoughout the history of the world. Who gets charged for those carbon credits?

  9. It was a stated goal of the communist
    in 1963 as entered into congressional
    record.”promote environmentalism as a
    means to slow down industry & capitalism”.

  10. Remember how Katrina was supposed to be the first of many devastating hurricanes to hit the US due to climate change? And then came a ten year hurricane quiet period?
    And remember how hurricane Matthew this summer was supposed to devastate Florida, and Sheppard Smith said everyone will die, but the hurricane missed hitting Florida head on?
    If the settled science experts get these high profile forecasts wrong, probably their longer range forecasts are wrong.

  11. I find it oddly funny that there are humans that feel they are god-like and can change to weather patterns, temperature, and future alterations of natural occurrences.

    To use a movie line “Puny god” – Hulk of the Avengers, after smashing Loki like a rag doll.

  12. Funny how no “scientist” ever blathers about “settled” science – it’s only the propagandists and know-nothings.
    Anthropogenic Globaloney Warming is total and complete bullshit, and everyone with a background in “science” (Physics, Chemistry, Engineering) knows it, even if he’s making money off the bullshit.

    Facts rarely get in the way of income.

    Somebody should ask one of these Globaloney Warmist Hoaxters “How?” just to listen to him stutter and grunt.

    And … anyone who calls himself a “scientist,” isn’t.
    That’s some kind of weird 50s movie term.
    Kneel Y’oGreasy Tyson is a “scientist.”
    Bill Nye is a “scientist.”
    “Scientist” simply means “Lysenko-ist propagandist.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. I’ve noticed a trend now where the term “Climate Change” is still used, but the “Scientists” are leaving themselves more and more wiggle room.

    We all remember it used to be called “Global Warming” and then it stopped warming. Then it became “Climate Change” or “Man Caused Climate Change” but not too long ago I saw a guy getting a beat down for arguing about the data being corrupted in the Climate Change reports. In the middle of the beat down a meteorologist (which I learned is COMPLETELY different from a climatologist when I argued with a climatologist over meteorology) who I respect stated “The data definitely shows a warming trend, however we don’t know for sure what’s causing it.”

    We now have the next trend which will be, “We don’t know what’s causing Climate Change but we have to do something!!!”

    I continue my stance, IF “Climate Change” is caused by excessive amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere, why are scientists not urging the planting of more TREES and other plan life? They absorb CO2 and change it to Oxygen. It seems like that would be non-impacting to industry, but doing SOMETHING to make headway.

    Of course they will argue that we would have to plant kajillions of trees to offset the global carbon footprint of just pResident Oprah. I am just one of the unwashed masses after all.

  14. So called “scientists” have spewed this crap since the 1960s. I remember a college prof going into his theory of trapped carbon dioxide and all the other stupidity. It was man-made/snark.
    So let’s evaluate the “lab results”. 57 years later, hmmm, no demonstrable, reproducible proof. Perhaps he left out or just didn’t know maybe it will take millions of eons. Then again, maybe by then the sun will have burned out and turned into a dwarf black hole. Our planetary system may be sucked into the vortex and poof….gone. Do not think anyone here today will be around then. So?

  15. There are 4 elements: Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water.
    Heat comes from Phlogiston.
    Leeches cure … whatever.
    Demonrats are for the “working man.”
    There is no dark side of the Moon … matter of fact, it’s all dark.
    Michaelson and Morley proved the existence of “ether.”
    Shockley, Bardeen, and Brattain were pissing in the wind.
    Dragons periodically eat the Moon.
    The Sun sits in a chariot driven by Helios.
    No one could possibly make a bomb from fission.
    izlam is the religion of peace.
    Women enjoy being beaten.
    Negroes are happy as slaves (why else would they sing?).
    All negroes know each other.
    Slavs are genetically inferior.
    Matt Damon really does know integral and differential calculus.
    Al Gore understands Thermal-Hydraulics.

    izlamo delenda est …

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