Severe blood shortages continue as blood drives see low turnouts – IOTW Report

Severe blood shortages continue as blood drives see low turnouts

Just The News- The American Red Cross is appealing to the public to help with blood, platelet and plasma donations to maintain stable blood supplies to help people who rely on lifesaving donations.

Blood banks across the country have seen donation drives scrapped as the government and local jurisdictions have urged Americans to stay home.

Earlier this month, the Food and Drug Administration eased restrictions on blood donations from gay men and other key groups because of a drop in the nation’s blood supply triggered by the coronavirus outbreak. The policy has allowed more Americans to give blood, including gay and bisexual men and people with recent tattoos and piercings. read more

9 Comments on Severe blood shortages continue as blood drives see low turnouts

  1. tried to donate blood at the local hospital in the beginning of this Dempanic … I was directed to a most unsanitary trailer in the parking lot w/ a line out the door (in the rain), where you sat in a waiting chair in the trailer before you donated … right next to the guy lying down in one of the ‘beds’ giving blood … it was one isle w/ 3 donor ‘beds’

    very disappointed in the ARC facility & the hospital for not giving the ARC some space in the hospital

    (back in the day I used to give blood in the ARC trailers … but this was beyond the pale of normal sanitation & spacing)

  2. Big surprise!

    Threaten people with fines.
    Scare the shit out of them 24/7 with media.
    Create fear of being arrested for going out.
    Tell them health workers are dropping like flies.
    Create snitch lines.
    Don’t let them plant seeds/food.
    Public shame them.
    Dox & Troll them.
    Ruin their careers if they disagree.

    And then GUILT themthey stay indoors and don’t donate blood…

  3. Every time I see notices about, or am asked to give blood, I ask, “have you (ARC) developed a test for Mad Cow/CJD/Wasting Disease?” Invariably the answer is “no”.
    Why do I ask about those diseases? Because I was stationed in Europe for four years, and that has made me ineligible to donate blood (per the ARC).
    If the ARC ever were to develop a test for those diseases, that would open the door to many people who would be willing to donate, but who currently are not allowed.

  4. Blood sucking fear mongers never see the wide picture.

    Wait until next tax season when revenue is low due to the economic crisis they are enjoying right now. They will run out of other people’s money. Guess we are to be enslaved to the Socialist commie bitches when the nationalize everything. (For the good of everyone, don’t cha know).

  5. 3 week wait? That is hard to imagine. I have to do therapeutic blood draws because of a blood issue I have. There is never a wait where I go, and they can’t even use my blood for anything. I’ve wondered what they do with it. Anyway, plenty of volunteers show up and make a donation. Too bad mine is no good.

    The Red Cross is as despicable as Bill Gates. I would try and avoid them.

  6. You know, there is a reason they don’t want blood from homosexuals, and it isn’t because of homophobia. This is great; now we get to worry about catching HIV in addition to the WuFlu.

  7. Decades ago I got some blod from an unknown donor. So from ’70 – ’99 I gave at least twice a year. About 15 years ago I gave blood and the nurse made me stay in bed for 2 hrs. She said I turned “white” – Hey my nickname 70 years ago was “Whitey”!. And when she let me get up I was weak. My last donation. Mind says “give”; body says “Who are you kidding?!”
    72 years ago Winnie said, “gettin old is not for sissies!”. I did not understand him then. Understand only too well today!


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