Sex-Change Surgeon Says Out Loud They Really Don’t Know What the Hell They Are Doing – IOTW Report

Sex-Change Surgeon Says Out Loud They Really Don’t Know What the Hell They Are Doing

This hot mess of a surgeon seems to be content mutilating people while admitting his patients will most likely have a negative outcome, particularly sexually inexperienced teens who have been put on puberty blockers.

But as long as the left does not look too deeply into this, and they can feel as if they are heroes of some sort, that’s all that matters.

24 Comments on Sex-Change Surgeon Says Out Loud They Really Don’t Know What the Hell They Are Doing

  1. I’m glad he can laugh and joke about mutilating little kids.
    Working on psychological issues, therapy or whatever are fortunately something he doesn’t need to worry about

    This guy needs to receive a Sweitzer Humanitarian Award, fired from a can right up his keister

  2. He’s a sex-change surgeon, eh? And some of his patients subjects victims are minors, yes? I wonder how much of his fingers and hands would get shredded before the garbage disposal jammed.

  3. Do these types of doctors adequately explain the risks and concerns to patients and (perhaps more importantly) parents before the surgery or treatments? Somehow I don’t think so.

  4. He views himself as a pioneer in breakthrough work. Unfortunately, his narcissism is causing a lot of pain. Experiment on yourselves all you want, just leave the kids alone,

  5. Straight out of Portland OR. I take no pride in what I was posting here over a decade ago regarding the fact that unless and until you experience what goes on in Seattle and Portland, you just cannot appreciate the level of depravity that are normally therein. I went further and said unequivocally that no one knows what they are capable of, that whatever you can dream up as the absolute worst, it is something they can meet or exceed without even breaking a sweat. What they have available in their tool box is infinite and unimaginable to you and I. It’s not unimaginable to them, it is what they aspire to.

    Do you now get it? Their capacity for wickedness and evil is infinite, not even their Dark Prince is aware… but God is.

  6. This asshole should be skinned alive then salted. Then cut of his dick with a dull knife, and staple it to his head. Then send him home – but not before cutting off his hands, and ripping out his eyeballs.

  7. Couldn’t watch more than ten seconds…can’t stand when “men” dye their hair purple, pink, blue, etc. How the hell do you take someone seriously when they look like an absolute fucktard?

  8. @ joe6pak AT 11:18 PM

    That’s exactly what I alluded to. Absolutely nothing is off the table for the subhuman piece of shit. It is just a stone cold natural fact that must be accepted that there is nothing you or I can dream up as the limit of what followers of the progressive movement are not only capable of, but willing to do that they can’t and won’t surpass. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

  9. Guess what friends. You know the progs that live in that that house down the street? The one with the BLM sign and rainbow flag? They look up to this guy and live out their aspirations vicariously through his actions.

    Doubt me at your own peril. He’s less dangerous than they are, at least he admits it.

  10. This guy needs to receive a Sweitzer Humanitarian Award, fired from a can right up his keister.

    Go right ahead… but I have this feeling that it will just rattle around for 30 seconds before finally falling out!

  11. I had to mute and read the captions. What an annoying tool.
    Did you catch what the woman said? These butchers are questioning the ethics of doing internal exams on minors after surgery?
    These people are truly tools of Satan

  12. This butcher came up in my news scroll this morning. I’m glad people are taking notice of these evil tools of the devil and making them famous. This “doctor” should be in jail.

  13. I’m glad I saw Candace Owens’ podcast about the “spiritual father” of “transgenderism”, Dr. John Money. Money is to gender identity as Margaret Sanger is to Planned Parenthood and abortion. Once you understand who Money was — his psychological makeup and quest for fame — you have no reason to be shocked by how these “gender-affirming caregivers” are able to speak dispassionately about their warped/quack medical procedures. He and they have zero connection to any kind of moral bedrock. These people may just as well be talking about dissecting their first frog in 7th grade biology class. It’s certain they were disappointed it was not a live frog. In a way, it says more about the parents than the “doctors.”

    If you can, take time to listen to Owens’ presentation. I think Jordan Peterson may also have done the deep dive on Money. Be warned, it’s shocking.

  14. @ AbigailAdams AT 10:18 AM

    I seek out and watch these sort of documentaries. I also will try and watch those that claim to refute them. It is a heavy lift to sit through the abject idiocy of the latter, but I do it to try and understand something about how/why people could be so stupid as to claim to believe the shit they supposedly support

  15. JDHasty — And there you have it. It is safe to say, I believe, that 100% of those on the spectrum — from activists to the indifferent — of so-called “transgenderism” do not know the truth of Money’s “research” (or that he lied about the outcomes). If they know his name at all, they also are convinced of the legitimacy of his bona fides as a doctor/researcher at Johns Hopkins.

    I have always operated from the position of “nana e ke kuma” (which is Hawaiian for “Go directly to the source.”) I’ve taught my child the same. Never take anything anyone in the public/news/social media says on its face. Discover for yourself the genesis of a thing. Stay curious. And I’ve frequently found that by knowing a thing as thoroughly as one can makes for enlightening conversations rather than opinionated arguments.


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