The acronym "MAPs" is trending. It's part of a concerted effort to normalize sexual attraction to children — pedophilia. Reject it.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 11, 2022
20 Comments on Sex Therapist Worries That Pedophiles Are “Marginalized”
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I’d prefer that they be vaporized.
Being marginalized should be the least of their worries.
Evil. No need to hide it in America anymore. The left celebrates it.
Anyone who rapes a child should be executed.
If “Marginalized” means having electrical current passed through your body until it ceases to function, I’m with you.
She says pedophiles can’t change their attraction to minors – that’s just the way they are. They have not chosen it. Liberals also say that queers are born with an attraction to the same sex, do not choose to be queer, and they can’t be changed.
But, on the other hand, a person born a boy can decide (choose) he’s a girl and vice versa. People can choose to be anything they want and its nobody else’s decision to make. Like the woman in the Philippines who claims (chosen) she’s a mermaid.
So, we can change some things, like our sex, but if we are pedophiles, uh-uh, nope, they are born that way and their perversions can’t be eliminated. A choice was not given to them.
She is a complete nutto. Twisted. Sick in the Head. Just like Alfred Kinsey, the father of sex studies, who was himself a pervert.
– ?
I would be happy to include them in the hanging that all thier Democrat masters have earned and will be getting sooner than they expect.
That’s all the inclusiveness they deserve.
And you can be ‘attracted’ to a LOT of things and not do them. I am VERY attracted to giving Democrats the most painful deaths imaginable for what they’ve done to this nation and its children, and I have MANY opportunities everyday to do so, but I manage to not act on that impulse.
So far.
…BUT, if everything is to be legal because its an innate attraction because you say it is, then certainly that means I can start practicing my Democrat termination fetish and no law can touch me, by their OWN rules…
Going from fags just wanna marry to sympathizing with kid diddlers was a quick trip. So fast that some people still remember being called a nutjob for suggesting this would happen.
What is always lost on these pinheaded academicians is that “feelings” are not the same thing as behavior. Yes, it must suck to have a sexual attraction to minors, and would heartily recommend getting professional help, but as long as those feelings don’t turn into actions, I don’t care.
Temptation, whether it be to minors, same-sex, or any other sinful sexual desire when you are already married, it’s pervasive and talked about extensively in The Bible. The temptation itself is not a sin, but acting on it, fantasizing about it, or giving it control of your life is.
When they use the word “folks” you know they’re trying to humanize the inhuman, from pedophiles to babykillers to attackers of random senior citizens on the street. It never fails.
So what about those that are inclined to steal? I suppose they were born that way too, and should be allowed to act on their impulses to take stuff that belongs to others. Oh. Wait. Never mind, we are already allowing that.
Remember when homosexuals couldn’t help it, they were born that way? Remember when they just wanted to be left alone in their bedroom? Remember when they just wanted civil unions?
All we’re seeing today started with that. Should have nipped that in the bud back then when the majority of people agreed homosexuality is a sin, immoral and not normal.
Can we stop them from normalizing child rapists, well as that was their original goal and so far we haven’t stopped any of it, I don’t know. What I do know is it’s time to fight that group and you do that by taking away their bullshit that homosexuality is normal and they were born that way.
Sick doesn’t even begin to describe what’s going on these days.
Serial rapists… are they violent criminals or a marginalized orientation group? Only degenerate morons who deserve to be tossed off of skyscraper rooftops think this is debatable.
Notice the condescending tone of this whole video. The perspective of the camera is lower than the person, so the impression is that she (that is a she – right?) is looking down at you. You are her student to be “educated”. The body language, head movement and expression is that of an authoritarian speaking to an uneducated simpleton. The inflection and cadence of the words are as if she is speaking to a 2nd grader.
That’s what she thinks of you.
I recall thinking, when the push to ‘normalize’ homosexuality came to my attention, (late 70’s early 80’s) that if we erase this line, it’ll lead to a lot of other lines being erased and that will probably lead ineluctably to pedophilia being ‘normalized’. Welcome to now, wish I was wrong.
Pedophiles should be skinned alive, then salted, then hanged. They are destroyers of lives. Their enablers should join them in the hanging part.