SF sheriff up for re-election amid sanctuary city controversy – IOTW Report

SF sheriff up for re-election amid sanctuary city controversy

The San Francisco sheriff whose sanctuary city policy has been blamed for the July death of Kathryn Steinle at the hands of an illegal immigrant is up for re-election Tuesday, and he’s facing a stiff challenge as residents grapple with immigration policy and local policing. [WashingtonTimes]

SF sheriff mirkarimi


5 Comments on SF sheriff up for re-election amid sanctuary city controversy

  1. When I read the phrase, “San Francisco Sheriff” in the current context, it makes me laugh.

    Why? Well, in my fervent old imagination, I compare this real-life, PC-Sheriff character to the old west sheriffs, like The Earps, Pat Garrett and Jim Bell of Lincoln County fame, Seth Bullock and Bat Masterson. Mostly, I contrast this idiot to the FIRST SF Sheriff, the legendary John Coffee Hayes, who went west after becoming a legendary Captain in the Texas Rangers.

    This current ass clown isn’t fit to lick the spittoons of the men who literally defined what it is to be a sheriff. I can see him yelling “halt” and punctuating that command with a stompy foot.

    Pathetic. He doesn’t deserve a man-card, much less a badge.

    I expect San Fransicko [sic] will re-elect him handily.

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