Shadow Gate – IOTW Report

Shadow Gate

Millennial Millie: The tactical and operational role the Shadow Government played behind the scenes carrying out the coup against President Trump.

Two whistleblowers, Tore and Patrick Bergy, who both worked extensively within the Shadow Government as contractors have come forward with revelations that may be part of the biggest whistleblowing event to date.

This documentary is about real players behind the scenes who’s names never come up but should. According to these two whistleblowers, a small group of government contractors were hired by government officials to frame the Trump campaign, set him up for the “Russia Collusion” investigation, provided witnesses for the impeachment hearings, and provide administrative support services to the Department of Justice during the Mueller Investigation. —> More at the above link.

6 Comments on Shadow Gate

  1. I haven’t watch the video, but I don’t believe it is anything we don’t already know. The major players are blatantly obvious.
    Tell me there is an actual indictment coming anytime in the future.
    I don’t know about the rest of you here, but this $h!t makes my blood boil.
    We’ve known all of this since NOVEMBER.

  2. Already got a crew working on DeSantis, no doubt. Some of them fresh off the Cuomo job. Or maybe they keep the Dem hit squads separate from the GOP hit squads, and the Cuomo hit team has folded into to the Newsome operation.

    Do I sound paranoid? Because I feel paranoid. I’m going for a walk. I can handle only so much of these soulless automatons.


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