Shake n’ Bake Update – IOTW Report

Shake n’ Bake Update

This is an update to this story.

Just wanted to let you know my son came home yesterday evening from the hospital. He will be on oxygen for awhile, but not sure how long. They sent someone here last night with an o2 machine, a large emergency backup bottle, and I think 8 travel bottles. Half the bigger ones you can wheel around, half small ones you can put in a pouch that has a strap to carry around the shoulder.

He is doing much better, but is still really tired, wanting to do stuff, but gets out of breath real easy. He was in the best shape of anyone in the house, has only been out of the Marine Corp for one year. Since he became sick he has lost about 25 pounds and he’s a little weak. He is frustrated that he might have to be on oxygen for awhile, but all in all, he is in a much better place physically and mentally. And now he gets to get back to driving all of us crazy like normal. I’m thinking I prolly should kick his ass while the opportunity is there. Once he’s back to normal, I just don’t think I cant do it anymore 😊

I can’t express in words how much I truly appreciate you taking the time and posting the call for prayers, and updates. You’re a good dude, and the IOTW community is just outstanding. Thank you so much. God Bless you, and everyone who took a moment of time to ask for healing of a young man they never met. Love you all for this.

30 Comments on Shake n’ Bake Update

  1. Very glad to hear that your son is doing so much better. I think prayer is the most powerful force known to man when what is being prayed for is in God’s will.

  2. So glad to hear that Zachary’s on the upswing, but we did nothing but obey God.

    It was your faith that you reached out for prayers, and it was to God’s glory that he heard them and made His sign on your son.

    Now have faith awhile still, and watch as the Lord delivers full and complete healing.

    “Turn again, and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people, Thus saith the Lord, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee: on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of the Lord.”
    2 Kings 20:5

    …the Lord saw your tears behind your calm countenance and heard your prayer for your son. I know those nights of prayer in the secret terror of your own heart, unable to share with even your dearest, but I say to you that your faith has been rewarded.

    Just remember this, and remind your son and your family by whose Hand he was delivered and that faith was the key.

    “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”
    Mark 9:23

    God Bless,

  3. It will be amazing how much better he will do at home. I am a nurse and I can tell you the BEST place for him is with his loving family. We know that our patients just do better at home. He will be off of the O2 soon enough. Thanks be to God and I REALLY appreciate your updates. Another case of how important prayers are.

    Have a really wonderful night of sleep–you all deserve it!

  4. Dear Friend, Shake-n-Bake — I don’t know how I missed your original prayer request and updates on your son’s health, but now that I know, your son and your family are in my prayers.

    God is good. To him all praise and glory.

  5. I’m in rural Mississippi, we have a tiny Catholic Church in the woods and a large book at the entrance to write names of those in need. It will be interesting when I write “shake and bake” to my list.. Glad to hear he’s doing better

  6. Thank God! Being laid up even for just one day can take a lot out of you. Tell him to take it easy and don’t rush it. Soon he will forget all the fatigue as soon as he’s back to normal!


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