Shame on Arizona For Reelecting John McCain Over and Over – IOTW Report

Shame on Arizona For Reelecting John McCain Over and Over

McCain says American leadership was better under Obama.

Do I need to go any further than this statement?

McCain is what’s known as a hole in the ass.

The Hill-

Asked if the country stood on sturdier ground under Obama’s leadership, McCain said “yes,” according to the report.

“As far as American leadership is concerned, yes,” said McCain, who also vocally criticized many of the Obama administration’s foreign policy decisions.

“They are not sure of American leadership, whether it be in Siberia or whether it be in Antarctica,” he added.

“What do you think the message is? The message is that America doesn’t want to lead,” said McCain, chairman on the Senate Armed Services Committee.


32 Comments on Shame on Arizona For Reelecting John McCain Over and Over

  1. Expect nothing less from from McCain (C)N.Vietnam.
    Poor Sarah Palin. She’s been standing up for him for years. I wonder what she is going to say about him now.

    this man is ready for the boneyard.

  2. Lazlo lives in AZ
    We tried but it was either him or Anne Kirkpatrick
    Anne Kirkpatrick is the Cowboy version of Elizabeth Warren. Could not pull the lever for a democrat.
    He just needs to quit running and go home.
    Trump should appoint him Ambassador to Antarctica

  3. Like his buddy W once said, “That’s some weird shit.” And while I do appreciate his Grandpa Simpson candor, it would be be much better coming from a nursing home.

  4. McCain has always been a useful idiot, he plays the role exceptionally well. Starting with N. Vietnam to the Keating 5, to now.

    Give Benedict Arnold his due, when he betrayed the US he never came back to become a Senator.

  5. All politicians have mental retardation it their system (especially live off the govt teat lifers). Sooner or later it will come out when triggered. Trump is the trigger… Be prepared for the congressional pandemic..

  6. Perhaps McCain believes the fake news.

    This weekend Trump visited a wedding AT HIS OWN GOLF CLUB.
    MSM: “Trump crashes a wedding, uninvited”
    They spun it as totally negative.
    Yet the married couple were thrilled.

    During the Obama presidency, weddings were CANCELED/MOVED so Obama could play GOLF!
    MSM: “Couple: wedding being moved not a big deal”

  7. That thin cancerous skin of his just can’t let that “war hero” slight pass, even for the good of the country.

    I wonder what it’s like, to think so much of yourself that you undermine the leader of your country to sooth the ache of your own butt hurt?

  8. wasn’t the stain responsible for this?

    “In July 1967, a fire broke out on board the aircraft carrier USS Forrestal. An electrical anomaly had caused the discharge of a Zuni rocket on the flight deck, triggering a chain-reaction of explosions that killed 134 sailors and injured 161. At the time, Forrestal was engaged in combat operations in the Gulf of Tonkin, during the Vietnam War. The ship survived, but with damage exceeding US$72 million (equivalent to $517 million today), not including the damage to aircraft.”

  9. He is a glory whore, a limelight lizard, and like Maxine Waters, he is a media magnet. I live in North Central AZ. about 7 miles from his home and consider him an embarassment. I like the description of Ann Kirkpatrick by Poor Lazlo, and agree with Moxie Man’s thoughts on Dr. Kelli Ward as a highly qualified replacement to a worn out, senile, old warrior. He has served our Nation well for many years. But he has become more of a liability than an asset. He should just STFU and RETIRE.

  10. I have to wonder whether the North Vietnamese report of his capture and interrogation are in the hands of someone like Soros (just an example there are plenty like him we don’t know about) who has had McCain dancing like a puppet for decades now. It may not be well received that he gave it all up hours after his capture and was likely to have been the direct cause of death or capture of many of his squadron mates. I would imagine that he’ll go to any length to keep that quiet. Maybe someone could bribe some Vietnemese oficials for a real copy to release to the public.

    @Charlie Walksonwater; I don’t think that Palin has had anything to do with McCain since he begged her to endorse him in his 2010 (I think that was the date) election campaign. Even then I understand she never stumped for him and the endorsment was out of loyalty to the man who chose her to run as AP of the country.

  11. I read this last night and then…I read the comments. I should never do that (except here). Basically, most were in agreement with McCain and that pro Trumpers have an IQ of 60 or less. I realize it was The Hill and should have known better.
    Demoncrats bother me but these Never Trumpers really bother a lot more. Keep your stupid mouths shut.

  12. @Lazlo — I have an idea that might work, I don’t know.

    Would it be possible for you to spearhead a group of Trumpsters (or even just R’s who disagree w/McCain) and request a meeting with him? I think it would be effective if he were to meet 1:1 with a small-ish group of people who are well-spoken. You know McCain is not going to be among those GOP who are going to work through the break.

    I’d try that. You’re so smart, quick and logical, you’d make a really good leader for this.

  13. The voting rolls in Arizona need to be brought up to date the political potties certainly don’t want to this. Every illegal getting a driver’s license is assumed to be eligible to vote thanks to Bill Clinton and his motor voter nonsense.

  14. Stopped watching FNC in 2008, when this country elected a Communist to the WH. But doesn’t Mc have a daughter on that channel, a channel that is also in bed with the Commies? Everyone is just one big Communist family now. And wasn’t it just this past wk-end when Romney (and other RINOs) all got together w/Biden (another Communist) in Utah? God, if You can find just 20 righteous people, would You please save America?

  15. The thing is, fur, I didn’t vote for him, and I don’t think that I know a single person here who did. I thought for sure that Kelli Ward would beat him too, so when he was reelected I immediately wondered, ‘voter fraud?’
    (With how many dead retirees and illegal immigrants we have, wouldn’t be too much of a stretch.)

  16. My headline is for all the assholes who DID vote for him, and there were plenty.
    I’m from NY, I fully understand what it’s like to be blamed for Andrew Cuomo, Hillary, Schumer, Weiner, Dimkins, etc. etc etc.
    I know when people talk about asshole New Yorkers I an exempted once you talk to me. (I hope.)

  17. THE choice was between John McCain and Kelly Ward in the Primary. I voted for Kelly and left it blank in the General. Couldn’t vote for McCain or Kirkpatrick.

    We appreciate your service to the country John…but it’s time to end it.

  18. The idiot could not even fly a plane and if not for his own man be would not pass his flying test. That showed when the shitehead got shot down and committed treason with the commies. AZ voters were stupid to to reelect this ahole time after time and he should be out licking Ozeros ass like he did for the past 8 years

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