Shameful- US Open Crowd Boos Foreign Winner – IOTW Report

Shameful- US Open Crowd Boos Foreign Winner

Guest post by Meerkat-

There was an international embarrassment to the United States today and it came from the international sport of tennis.  Today’s US Open Women’s Final was a complete sh!t-show perpetrated by Serena Williams and the crowd itself.  Let me explain.

I enjoy the tennis grand slam tournaments:  the Australian Open in mid January, the French Open in May and June, Wimbledon in July, and the US Open in August and September.  If you are not into this sport, you may consider these like two-week binge reality tv.  The highest ranked in tennis come out and compete much like the NCAA basketball tournament.  Except they do it four times a year.  Yes they play other lower tournaments, but these four are what get’s them their income. There are both mens single, women’s single and various double tournaments.

I most enjoy the women’s singles.  And I know what you are thinking.  But I do confess that perhaps I had to consult Matthew 5:28 in my mind some past years.  But the real reason why I enjoy the womens singles is the speed.  Basically men do not volley back-and-forth as much as the women.  The men hit aces and winners at such a pace that the game is different. Which makes the women’s game more interesting and watchable for me.  Also the 2-set winner makes it shorter (Men have 3 sets to win)

OK, so that said, what happened today?

First of all here is the text message I sent to my sister with the screen-shot:  “Watched Serena Williams behave like a stereotypical angry black woman and stole the headlines away from Naomi Osaka in her incredible first win for the first Japanese citizen in a grand slam final. Osaka completely played an A game, Serena was on her F—, complaining, smashing rackets, and yelling SJW points at the judge!”

You see where I’m going.  I think my initial message to my sister shows how I feel about Serena.

But here’s what happened at the awards:  The crowd booed insistently.  To the point where Serena had to ask the crowd to stop booing the champion and the tennis organization in which they are a part of.  It was awful!   To host a US OPEN and have an audience boo when a foreigner wins.  Especially a young 20 year-old.   Shame on us.


SNIP: Here’s an article on what happened, with some video: Serena Williams Explodes After US Open Dispute With Umpire.
She’s claiming the  judge is anti-woman. -MJA

41 Comments on Shameful- US Open Crowd Boos Foreign Winner

  1. “Maybe it was a delayed reaction to Pearl Harbor!”

    Too soon.

    Simply put, it reeks of entitlement (which is rooted in greed justified by racism) all the way around.

  2. The worst bit (for me), is that Miss Osaka looked so mortified.
    She didn’t deserve that, she played a great game. I feel so much shame for our country, how many other nations saw that display? It makes me nauseous to think about it.

    Americans are suppose to be jovial good sports, not bitchy, racist losers.

  3. Serena (with her coach) cheated.
    She got caught.
    Exits disgraced.
    Happy end!

    Best wishes for much luck in the future to the young winner.
    ‘Cause Serena ain’t got none.

  4. Mithrandir is not kidding…

    Back when I was in junior high we would go to the roller rink. Inevitably a fight would break out amongst girls. Never guys. The white chick fights were embarrassing. When the black girls fought, people got the hell back… way back. Absolute ferocity.

  5. I sort of expected Serena Williams to age badly on the court, but what the hell is up with the crowd? Was it a bunch of Talcum X’s? Or is Black Lives Matter now a corporate sponsor?

  6. I caught the end by accident and thought Imwas taking crazy pills.

    All the announcers were talking about what grace Serena showed after the tantrum and what great sportsmanship she showed. As Williams was giving a speech about what heart Naomi had, it sounded like the most condescending “well, but” and the announcers were just fawning over it.

    It was pathetic to watch and truly felt sorry for Osaka. But does Tennis really represent America? It represents a portion of the top 1% of America. Country Club America.

  7. The epitome of progressive white privilege, Biff and Buffy, with their cashmere sweaters tied around their neck, yelled obscenities and racial slurs at the Japanese Tennis Player.

  8. I looked back and saw that this is what she does. Drama queen, whiner, rude to other players. And now she says they let men get away with this. Well, They don’t completely get away with this stuff. What happened to McEnroe when he pulled shit like this, as an example? Wasn’t he banned from places?

    Plain and simple, Serena is emotionally retarded and she knew the Japanese chick was going to win. Serena needed to make her excuse for her own loss.

  9. My family watched and we were all appalled. Serena’s behavior was unbelievable, but it was the crowd’s booing that truly shocked us. It was SUCH an embarrassment for our country — the definition of “ugly Americans.” Naomi Osaka out-played Serena all the way and deserved her win. And instead of standing on the winner’s platform smiling proudly, she was in tears and actually APOLOGIZED FOR WINNING.

    It was just sickening to watch, and I am ashamed of my fellow countrymen for following Serena’s lead and behaving like such poor sports. Awful!

  10. I’m not a tennis fan, but I am curious; what is the demographic of the fans who attend these games? My impression is that Serena was “entitled” to this win as it would have been her 24th (?) title, and some sort of record. And she lost. Crowd reacted just like the Hillary supporters when she lost

  11. It’s the 2016 election all over again. Twitter exploded DEFENDING Serena. Claims of racism, misogyny, sexism, etc all over!
    Even from some conservatives, like this one from Antonio Sabato Jr

    “Totally unfair for the Awesome and One and Only @serenawilliams , I’ve never seen anything like this done to anyone especially i Champion like our Serena.”
    You have Won in every-way today”

    He’s running for Congress in CA and I like his take on immigration. But, this tweet was a let down to me.

  12. This week Serena came out supporting that Nike shoe salesman, what’s his name? I guess she is down with the cause too. Those poor multi millionaires having to sacrifice everything.

  13. Serena proves everytime she is a narcissistic dimwit. Her episodes of rage and her hoodrat antis are obvious fueled by steroids.
    What an embarrassment. Talent does not over ride sportsmanship, even when progressive tools prop up one of their leftist puppets.

    This stunt was planned to rebuke the US Tennis Association for attempting to have a fair tournament based on skill and merit. Oh no, as others have noted, can’t have the hoodrat version of Hillary Clinton not win because it’s her turn – again.

    Miss Osaka was cheated out of an experience of a lifetime by a violent, self obsorbed, childish, buffoon with a pointed head and a big butt – reasons why Serena is also jealous of the attractive half black young woman who beat her. Hope this is the beginning of more defeat for Serena. Tennis needs new faces who might have genuine respect and appreciation for the game.

  14. You apologize to me right now!
    C’mon, apologize!
    Stop talking to me, just stop!
    Are you going to apologize yet?
    I deserve an apology!


    Give the baby her bottle.
    fuck sake.

  15. Not just a foreigner, Naomi is an example of a brand new, historic phenomenon that progg-tards should have gone wild over. Osaka is half Japanese and half black!!

    This is something brand new. I’ve followed judo for 40 years and I’ve now seen two Japanese judo champions who are only half Japanese. Never before the year 2015 have I ever seen a Japanese judoka who wasn’t 100% Japanese. And in 2016, Japan took a silver in the in the 4×100 relay. How in the hell did THAT happen!! I wonder if it has to do with those two Jap runners who are half-Jamaican

    So here these degenerates are caught booing a historic development that they should be ecstatic about .. in front of the whole world to boot!! Proggs have really, really lost it

  16. That Kabuki theatre Serena Williams acted out has me really pissed. She purposely humiliated and intimidated Naomi Osaka so that she could keep media focus on herself.
    Williams could care less how devastated Osaka is – in fact Williams was smirking and pretending to console Osaka.

    Osaka seems to be very Japanese, culturally and sensitive. She probably feels she’s brought shame to an elder she highly respects. Poor girl has no idea her elder, Serena is a giant ass. .

    Absolutely, awful display of progressive elitist insensitivity.

  17. Doesn’t the left preach night and day about bullying?

    The warning issued for “coaching” should have just fired her up to play better.
    Heck, since the crowd was for her maybe the ref was just trying to fire Serena up.
    Serena knew she was outmatched though.
    Naomi had already beaten Serena in Miami when Serena was coming back from childbirth.
    Naomi was confident and not intimidated.
    She was fast and accurate and would have won either way.

    If the argument for coaching is “everybody does it” that is no argument.

  18. The young lady that won should have walked off the court and out of the arena. The self-serving bullshit that flowed out of Serena’s mouth to quiet the crowed and justify her horrid behavior just had me shaking my head. The kid should have just walked out.


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