Shannon Bream Can’t Find A Dem From Congress Willing To Go On TV – IOTW Report

Shannon Bream Can’t Find A Dem From Congress Willing To Go On TV

Typically, members of congress are always eager to get their mug on national TV. It’s vital to their re-elections for politicians to create the impression back home that their elected official is an important voice in Washington. Strangely however, Fox News anchor Shannon Bream couldn’t find one democrat house member willing to come on her show last night. More


15 Comments on Shannon Bream Can’t Find A Dem From Congress Willing To Go On TV

  1. They couldn’t find a decent one for that hearing either. Jackson-Lee, Cohen, Jefferies, nobody first termers. That was the D-Minus Team fumbling the ball in their own endzone and all from safely gerrymandered districts.

    Nobody with anything to lose was on the most important committee they’ve had since they held fake Iraq hearings on picnic tables in the basement when they were in the minority when Bush was in office.

    And that was some Little Rascal’s ass She-Man Woman Haters Club stuff back then.

  2. Maybe NBC/CNN/ABC/etc should have selected people with differing opinions rather than having 8 talking heads spewing the same thing at the same time for the past 10 years. Dems and their lapdog journalists have lost the ability to debate, we’ve entered into one-sided conversations. They need to talk at you unimpeded, with a whole panel of idiots who agree, or they ain’t talking at all.

  3. Maybe they are busy packing their bags to move to a purplish red state so they can turn it blue. This was a thread I read on Twitter that my feminist BFF gave a hearty cheer to. So, gotta cheat to win? Got it. 🙄


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