Shapiro is Correct on Hamas and Gaza – IOTW Report

Shapiro is Correct on Hamas and Gaza

And VDH is, too-

17 Comments on Shapiro is Correct on Hamas and Gaza

  1. The Palistinian brain is wired to hate (primarily Jews, but it does not stop there) at a very early age! They are trained to hate, fight and kill using any means possible. No amount of logic and compassion will re-wire them and the Israelis have certainly tried and tried. That only leaves one option: elimination.

  2. I like VDH, but in 55 seconds, Shapiro spoke rings – clearly and concisely – around what VDH tried to say in four and a half minutes. And I’m not a big fan of Shapiro.

  3. I agree with both. But clearly the Israelis have this covered. Bring our carrier groups back and the 900 soldiers that currently have boots on the ground. If they need us, we can get their quick. Our carrier groups are sitting ducks over there. Just the way the coup intended. Carriers are on the verge of becoming a liability.

  4. If the United States and Western European countries had minded their own Goddamn business and stayed in their own lane the Israelis would have solved this mess decades ago.

  5. See also: Gary Hamrick’s presentation (on YT) about the historic roots of Israel, Palestine, Islam (Hamas, Hezbollah). He goes back to the very beginning and gives an amazing account of both the historical and geographic timeline of these entities. It’s my go-to, now, for answers to those who want to know the nitty gritty.

    And while you’re looking for that video, check out Hamrick’s presentation on “The trans-ing of America”, too. In it he posits that woke companies like Anhauser-Busch don’t care about short-term financial losses because their real goal is to further their globalist, communist agenda. These companies are part of and funded, in large part, by their globalist sponsors, Blackrock, Vanguard, and George Soros. Hamrick shows the names on screen along with their direct ties to who is running the “woke” show. He’s an engaging and informative speaker.

    VDH lost me a few years ago because I had a strong sense that he is content to be an armchair quarterback who is really only good at telling us what happened and not great at sticking his neck out and engaging those who need to be called out. He has (or had) an enormous platform from which to have huge activist influence, but I got tired of hearing about his Jeffersonian lifestyle (gentleman farmer, academic, and so on). In other words, he doesn’t seem to want to get his hands dirty and would much rather philosophize on matters from the distance of his gentleman farm or from the snug confines of his clubby library.

  6. @AA – I agree with what you said about VDH. I would only add that he is perfectly content to be a guest commenter on Hannity and other Fox shows – all talk and no action.

  7. Brad — Go listen/watch Gary Hamrick’s presentation on the Biblical response to Israel, Islam, etc. I’ve described it above. All Christian eyes are watching the events in the ME unfold with bookmarks on the books of Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation, etc. It’s as though the Bible has turned into a daily newspaper of fulfilled and fullfilling prophecy. Events are happening just that quickly.

    Biden’s pressure on Israel to stand down at that time precisely fit the beginnings of prophetic scripture in that it faintly signaled a withdrawal of support for them. And as the U.S. is almost always in a position to influence the western nations on these things, it may have been possible (likely) that the largest western nations would also withdraw their military support as well. Another situation might also be that the U.S. will be too engaged fighting Islamic extremists within our own country (or warring against NoKo/China) to provide much in the way of military or financial support to Israel. We’ll see.

    When you read and understand Biblical scripture regarding the end times and what will happen to Israel during these times, it’s all a little easier to take and one doesn’t feel like they’re getting caught flat-footed, anxious, and wondering what it could all mean and how it will all end. It helps beyond measure to know that Jesus Christ has already won (overcome the world); now it’s simply a matter of letting the people Israel get on with batting clean-up.

  8. It isn’t just the Jews that the Mohammedans hate, it’s all other religions and cultures. Remember when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad went before the UN to tell us how the world must be cleansed in preparation for the return of the 12th imam. I think the Iranians are crazy enough to use a nuclear bomb if they can get one.

  9. The truth doesn’t matter. Maniacs, useful idiots, communists and war profiteers – and the likes of Jeff Bezos (he owns the malignant anti-American Washington Post, and donated BILLIONS to BLM, don’t forget). It’s us against them all over again, just like WW2. This would have NEVER happened under President Trump. But this is Obama’s third term, after all, and that treasonous weasel must be jumping for joy that his Chicom masters are about to take over the world, after sinking the USA.

  10. Some of you may like this, some may not. But today, Christians are God’s chosen people, not of any race or ethnically, not because someone has certain descendants in their family tree. “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Galatians 3:29).

    And there is this: “But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, ‘In Isaac Your seed shall be called.’ That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed”: (Romans 9:6-8).

    Christians are God’s chosen people.

    I’m not anti-Israel. I have never said that Israel should not exist as a nation. Never.

    Israel de facto exists in international law; it’s a real entity.

    And, I am not anti-semitic — which is to hate Jews — I do not hate Jews. My wife is a born-again Hebrew. I love her, her family, and our many Hebrew friends (some whom live in Israel). Thus, I most likely know more about the Hebrew faith than most of these commentators.

    My problem, as a Christian, is not with the State of Israel, or the many different people groups there. My problem is with Christian Zionism, which I consider a Warmongering Heresy! (And, please stop saying “Jew.” “Hebrew” is the correct term not “Jew” — there is no “J” in the Hebrew language. The word “Jew” is Yiddish, not Hebrew. Yiddish was originally a Germanic dialect which incorporated other dialect phraseologies from Hebrew as well as several other modern languages, and today is spoken mainly in the US, Israel, and Russia.)

    Before 1948, Hebrews, Christians, Arabs, etc, lived in peace in what was known for many decades, as Palestine. Then Zionism arrived, and, all hell broke loose. (A horrific example: Prior to this onslaught, the Christian population in Bethlehem (the birthplace of our Savior), was 86%; as of the year 2016, that population has been diminished to a mere 12%.) The fact is, over these years of hell, the Palestinian people, and surrounding others, have been disenfranchised of their lands, their ancestral homelands — many (thousands, if not millions), have had their farms, houses (homes), ancient vineyards, and olive yards (orchards) bulldozed over by Zionist invaders. These Zion invaders were (and are) not true Hebrews, nor true Christians. The Christian Church (who was there when these things happened), denounced vigorously and vociferously all of these atrocities, every one of these profound injustices. There are books that document this. Look it up.

    The fact is, by international law, both States exist; thus, there has to be a two-state solution — a law that has not been followed by the Zionist state. To make matters worse, the Christian Zionists have joined in the chorus pushing for a “one state solution”, which means the Palestinian people, Christians, as well as others, must be pushed out — and if that means a WAR to break out in that part of the world . . . then so be it! And why? To see the Christian Zionist Warmongering Heresy of the apocalypse fulfilled.

    I do read the Bible, and the Zionist plan for a 3rd temple will have what in it—According to the Bible?

    The Ark of the Covenant disappeared off of the pages of history by the time of the Babylonian Captivity. Nothing in the Bible is said about the Ark in the Old Testament after the return from Babylon, but the Apocrypha states that the Ark could not be found when the Jewish people rebuilt the Temple at the time of Ezra and Zechariah.

    Thus, the Holy of Holies in the Second Temple was an empty chamber, without the Ark of the Covenant. When the Roman General Pompey conquered Jerusalem around 63 B.C., he demanded the privilege of entering the Holy of Holies. When he did, he came out saying that he could not understand what all the interest was about the sanctuary, when it was only an empty room.

    When the Lord Jesus came to earth to offer His Own Blood for the sins of the whole world . . . there was no Ark in the Temple. No place to offer any sacrifice. The Israelites, at that time, had an Empty Room. Now, we believers, the Church of the Lord Christ Jesus, have an Empty Tomb! He is risen!

    So my problem is not with Israel, or the Hebrew, Arab or Christian people. My problem is with the Zionist — specifically, the Christian Zionist . . . who just wants WAR.

    Israel, and the world, was given a Savior 2,000 years ago. When angels heralded the birth of the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, they praised God, heralding: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14).

    My prayer is for all of the Mid-East, and the entire world, to turn to the Savior, Christ Jesus. When they do, Peace will come . . . but not before.

    May God bless and keep us all in His Peace.

  11. “Before 1948, Hebrews, Christians, Arabs, etc, lived in peace in what was known for many decades, as Palestine.”

    Are you remotely serious?
    You need to drag out the History of WWI, for a start.
    Then dig into the Histories of the Crusades and all the intervening years.
    The Middle East closely resembles the Balkans in their ancient animosities.

    Those people have been at war since before Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. @Dr. Jay — Please run to ground the information you have, because so much of it is in error. Tim FJB is right. First off, the Jews were dispersed from Israel by Emperor Hadrian in about 135 AD in retribution for their uprising against the Romans. Hadrian renamed Israel “Palestina” as a way of ultimate insult — the Philistines being the Jew’s sworn enemy in the land. The Jews had no allies in their homeland. And in their diaspora they were reviled and attacked. There’s a lot of history there; more than I want to type out just now.

    As I understand it, “Christian Zionism” refers today to Christians who focus on and adopt the laws of the OT, believing that it makes them more compliant with God’s requirements for holiness. IOW, they are erroneously trying to add to the New Covenant in Christ Jesus. That’s about all I know about the term (since I’m not interested in keeping kosher).

  13. I consider Ben Shapiro to be a very, very smart man…a person worth listening to whatever the subject he speaks about. How many of us can formulate counter arguments to liberals as fast as he can? Not many.

    Give him a break, he is on our side. Maybe he wasn’t so crazy about Trump. So what? It didn’t cost Trump the Presidency in 2016.

    I think he is at least 95% conservative. We can’t all be perfect.

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