Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary Says Trump Verdict Will Drive Businesses Out of the State – IOTW Report

Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary Says Trump Verdict Will Drive Businesses Out of the State


‘I can’t even understand or fathom the decision at all. There’s no rationale for it,’ added O’Leary, an entrepreneur and television personality.

O’Leary argued that the verdict would speed the flight of business away from New York and toward more business-friendly and lower tax states.

‘New York was already a loser state, like California is a loser state. There are many losers states because of policy, high taxes on competitive regulation,’ he said. ‘I would never invest in New York now. And I’m not the only person saying that.’ 

O’Leary argued that the verdict would speed the flight of business away from New York and toward more business-friendly and lower tax states.

‘New York was already a loser state, like California is a loser state. There are many losers states because of policy, high taxes on competitive regulation,’ he said. ‘I would never invest in New York now. And I’m not the only person saying that.’ 

15 Comments on Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary Says Trump Verdict Will Drive Businesses Out of the State

  1. Zillow has my house on their website listed for about $80k more than what I can sell it for right now. Suppose if I took Zillow’s figure to the bank, and over-measured my bathroom by a square foot, to get a loan against that $80k — and then repaid that loan — the state of Illinois would fine me a cool $1 million. But why would it stop there, I took that ill-gotten loan and invested it in other states, so sue me another cool $1 million in each of those states. Everyone suffered damages!
    Horeshit. Might as well bring me up on rape charges for chasing girls in high school too.

  2. @ ecp at 10:28

    Yes, all real estate transactions: appraisals somehow always come to at or slightl over asking price. The price/value is what the banks say it is, not some Bernie Sanders-looking judge, who needs to look in a mirror once in a while.

  3. The other rationale for it is they NEED the money.
    To give each criminal invader $10,000 PER MONTH !!!!!

    Think about that, most legit people are scraping cash for groceries and gas, and the mofo mayor and governor are playing Insanity Claus.

    If I were a NYer, I’d be up on charges yesterday.

  4. Angus you dumb ass, read the story first.
    I swear the first headline I saw reported that they had cancelled. Couldn’t find it so I searched and found this one and posted before reading. Am putting myself in time out for the day.

  5. Yeah, that’s the way to do it of course, pervert the rule of law to your convenience. Hate crime statutes are another example of perverting rule of law to satisfy some current existential desire, the perversion is permanent while the desire may be transitory.

    There is no rule of law at this point, hasn’t been for a long time, Clintoons were the most vivid recent example of the rule of law being vacated in favor of a preferred individual criminal. We now are under the rule BY law, and that law can be whatever the individual in charge says it is. This is rule of man not rule of law, and it is a fundamental of tyrannies throughout history.

  6. Poor poor tRump, sunk to hawking gold plated tennis shoes & bobbleheads of himself. Worthless trinkets like his fake trading cards. Next to add snake oil cure-all to sell off to his useful idiots. What no Alex Jones vitamins & Tammy Faye & Jim Baker food buckets?

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