Sharpie-Gate is Real – IOTW Report

Sharpie-Gate is Real

ht/ bdf

7 Comments on Sharpie-Gate is Real

  1. The party always screaming about voter suppression did a great job making sure ballot machines were down in red areas. Hey just fill out a ballot, here is a selfie, oh you have your own pen no problem, sure we will feed it through when you are gone and the machine is back online as it goes into some bag to be tossed in a dumpster later. Maddening.

  2. @ Vietvet NOVEMBER 5, 2020 AT 2:56 PM

    I read that the dead brother’s trashy wife threw Hunter Biden’s gun away. A gun he had recently purchased from a licensed dealer. So he lied on the 4473 regarding an unlawful user of drugs and not a damn thing was done about that either.


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