Sharpton’s Angels – IOTW Report

Sharpton’s Angels

Three University of Albany students claimed they were the victims of assault and hate crime when riding on the late night bus back to campus, also referred to as the “drunk bus.”


 The police determined a different crime was committed when video tape of the incident in question was reviewed and witness testimony taken.


 The three  young “ladies” now all face charges themselves for misdemeanor assault and / or making a false report.



One wonders how often these three have gotten away with this kind of behavior in the past.



17 Comments on Sharpton’s Angels

  1. Defendant’s lawyer: “”Ms. Agudio, an exemplary young woman, an excellent student who has never previously been in legal trouble, asks that people not rush to judgment in this matter.”

    An exemplary young woman? Rushing to judgement?

    I think my head just exploded — I’ll get back to you.

  2. I heard the 911 tapes of one of the hoaxers and she is giggling that she “beat up a white boy” and when the operator comes on she is all “I want to report a hate crime against me and my peeps”.

    They should have the books thrown at them.

  3. I’ve been to Skidway airport 4 times in the last couple weeks.

    Just the other day, one that looked exactly like the one on the left walked up to my window at Cicero and 55 and said; We all be broke down over there, you feel me.

    No and fuck off.

    She did, surprisingly.

  4. From the linked article: ““I especially want to point out that what happened on the bus was not a ‘hate crime,’ ” Wiley said.

    Ummm, if 3 white women attacked a black woman would Police Chief Wiley have said that? I think not. I guess only whites can commit “hate crimes”, imagine that.

  5. Racistry!
    In speculationments about the Marvin Gaye-osity of the Sexual Healing proculated upon myself by my young proto-jays, is Whiticiousness in its most observatedly Myopicious.
    Not only have I much, but negatedly have I stood proudly by when such items have come to the attentionifics of the media.
    These proud sisters are victimizationalistic of not only the society but of the circumscissors of those who, by inferralization seek to draw nefario connections with myself and those who, are at the door.

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