Sharpton’s first Anti-Semitic pogrom – IOTW Report

Sharpton’s first Anti-Semitic pogrom

24 Years Ago: Al Sharpton Led His First Anti-Semitic Pogrom In Crown Heights NY

al sharpton anti semitic rallies

TheLid- Al Sharpton wasn’t always an unrepentant MSNBC star, adviser to president Obama, and first-in-line to agitate a racial situation anywhere in the country. It happened 24-years-ago this coming Wednesday.

It started with a tragic car accident in Crown Heights Brooklyn and escalated into a pogrom against the Jewish people. The media gives it a politically correct description, violence between the area’s Blacks and Jews. However the violence was not two-sided. The Crown Heights riot was an attack on the Jews by the neighborhood’s Caribbean community, fueled in large part by Al Sharpton, the “Reverend” who does not believe in the commandment about “bearing false witness.” more

7 Comments on Sharpton’s first Anti-Semitic pogrom

  1. The postscript to some of these filthy co-arsonists that conspired with Sharpton;

    1) Sonny Carson. I get the most pleasure out of this one. Carson is DEAD. He died a miserable torturous death and lasted just 10 years after he instigated the riots. He had two heart attacks and spent months languishing as a prisoner in his own putrid body in a COMA. Then he finally croaked at the tender age of 65. he was a real skell…

    2) C. Vermin Mason was disbarred and evicted from the practice of law and the money train. He had no other career options so he became a ….. “reverend”. Now he is relegated to obscurity and no longer wields any influence, nor does he have too many friends. In other words, he is an even bigger loser today than he was back then. Broke loser.

    3) Alton Maddox. Another disbarred lawyer… lol. Broke and living in a shithole in the Bronx. Scumbag Al wont return his phone calls, lol… He is angrier than ever and nobody recognizes him on the street or pays him any mind. Hes just another bum that has been abandoned by Scumbag Al.

    But at least they can take pride and comfort in knowing they made Scumbag Al the Informant/Heroin Dealer/Celebrity Host into a very wealthy individual. So much so that his chubby daughter does not have to work for a living and gets to travel the world and file frivolous law suits for fun. Al continues to live the 5 Star lifestyle and gets to duke as many he-shes his Viagra supply will allow. Life is good.

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