Sharyl Attkisson claims FBI intended to plant illegal pornography on her husband’s computer – IOTW Report

Sharyl Attkisson claims FBI intended to plant illegal pornography on her husband’s computer

Sharyl Attkisson — FBI intended to plant child porn on my husband’s computer.
h/t Anonymous

14 Comments on Sharyl Attkisson claims FBI intended to plant illegal pornography on her husband’s computer

  1. If folks don’t realize what we are up against they can’t be helped.
    They are doomed.

    Scott Adams, the Dilbert cartoonist who I once thought was intelligent went after Ron DeSantis for punishing Disney.
    I’ll never read a fucking word that loser asshole ever utters again as long as I live.
    Loserthink indeed!

    Wake up, there may still be time…perhaps

  2. Think of the staggering amount of faux (we just printed them up, Joe) dollars congress (at the urging of an illegitimate president) just sent to that he’ll hole called “the Ukraine.” That just gets added to the debt of country beyond anyone’s ability to ever pay it.

    AND that bill’s coming due soon. America I don’t know if there’s enough left to save. And Kamala is cackling all the way to the presidency…

  3. Oldest trick in deep state play book…slap in some kiddie porn onto the hard drive then summon the law. One of the few crimes you are proven guilty of before you are found innocent, and you are tainted forever.

    Meanwhile the entire uniparty imports and molests children by the hundreds of thousands and the resident in the WH is a known videotaped child diddler whose perverted son’s computer actually has child porn.

    What a world we live in.

  4. SOP for the FBI.
    They long ago shook off “investigating” and have become America’s Stasi.
    A Republic has no need of Secret Police, Enforcers, or Political Hatchet Men.
    The rot started in the early 1900s and we allow it because it’s “background” now and we’re only incensed when it affects us.

    When Janet Reno had 86 people murdered in Waco, most said “They probably deserved it” just as when Anwar Al-Diclicky was extrajudicially murdered. Same with Vicky Weaver and her son.

    We’ve grown accustomed to the police state.

    Sad. The greatest political experiment in History lasted less than 250 years.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The FBI was corrupt WAY before Obola showed up.
    Roosevelt (Teddy) set it up when Congress was out of session as his own personal secret police. J. Edgar turned it into the GESTAPO.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. 30 years ago, The FBI murdered Randy Weaver’s family (and the kids’ dog), at Ruby Ridge. State and local police aided and abetted their escape.

    He’s dead now. Americans are still paying his killers.

    And not a head’s been harvested.

    You, all, are just not paying attention.


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