Sharyl Attkisson – Most Americans Would Be Very Surprised To Learn Just How Bad the Illegal Alien Crime Rate Is – IOTW Report

Sharyl Attkisson – Most Americans Would Be Very Surprised To Learn Just How Bad the Illegal Alien Crime Rate Is

Well, besides the obvious, that illegal aliens commit crime at a 100% rate (they’ve all broken the law), Attkisson says that the media self-censors in order to whitewash just how bad it is out there.

Trump is right. We are getting flooded with rapists, street scum, low-lives, parasites and otherwise, worthless human beings. This does not mean that ALL Mexicans fit this profile (lots of whites do, I see them all the time in Florida), but there is an unacceptable amount of dangerous people sneaking over the border and are about to receive amnesty.

Attkisson reports –

7 Comments on Sharyl Attkisson – Most Americans Would Be Very Surprised To Learn Just How Bad the Illegal Alien Crime Rate Is

  1. God bless Sharyl!
    She’s one of the few “truth tellers”
    these days who dares to speak up.
    This is going to get alot worse before it gets better.
    Hope I live that long…or kill enough a§$h*les before then to make it worth it.

  2. I know of another unreported crime they commit. They get American girls knocked up and arrange for the sale of the babies.
    It happened to a wretched pig of a young woman that I am related to. Our family TRIED to report it – because they did it twice. We were ignored. Completely and utterly ignored.

  3. I read a report from some agency that an LEO buddy of mine had and crime near Indian Reservations is expected to sky rocket due to the influx of competing Mex drug gangs. They negotiate with Indian tribes to grow their weed on their land because they believe it’s sovereign injun land. There was a map and you we be shocked at how much of California is tribal land. I can tell you the Mex gangs have been growing their dope all over California for a long tie though.

  4. Her program comes on at 10a. on Sundays here. I didn’t have time to watch, so I recorded it. But I sat there long enough to hear the opening and the story the mother of a young man told about how her son was killed by an illegal classmate. The illegal was completely psycho. Sickening. So tragic. I’ll be talking to my kid about who she gives rides to and to be extremely careful.

    Make sure you watch her show so she gets ratings. That’s all that’s going to keep her on mainstream cable.

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