Shattered Dreams – IOTW Report

Shattered Dreams

Red State

A 3,000-acre solar farm 40 miles from Houston, Texas, was massively damaged on March 15 when huge chunks of hail fell from the sky and shattered hundreds of panels, leaving the facility running at โ€œreduced capacity.โ€ 

From the look of the pictures, it would seem that itโ€™s operating at heavily reduced capacity. More

21 Comments on Shattered Dreams

  1. Hundreds?
    Those cells are laminated between the backing and the protective covering. I will venture to say from the photos I’ve seen it’s pretty much a total loss.

  2. These solar “farms” are encroaching on real farmland and pose a danger to neighbors and the water table when damaged like this. Oh, and then there’s the fires in the battery storage that can burn FOR DAYS, releasing toxic chemicals into he air.

  3. Oops! Dang chinks must not get hail…. Or they don’t GAF cause they are selling them to US and NOT relying on that stoopid shite themselves..


  4. And then there is the problem of what to do with the damaged ones.

    “The Grist, a publication of a pro-renewable nonprofit, reported that a recycled panel will produce about $3 in recovered aluminum, copper and glass, which after transportation costs will cost between $12 and $25 to get.”

  5. “… a recycled panel will produce about $3 in recovered aluminum, copper and glass, which after transportation costs will cost between $12 and $25 to get.โ€…. which is the case with all “recycling”. it’s all b.s.

  6. Interesting that there are seemingly untouched panels surrounded by decimated panels. Manufacturing short-cut panels compared to spec’d panels? The chinese always take short-cuts!

  7. The irony it burns.Those panels are located
    about 25 miles from the gulf.The gulf is rich
    in NG. NG is super clean,reliable and cheap.
    3000 acres would make a fine place for a gas fired
    turbine generating station that hail cannot damage.

  8. If you are in your 20’s, buying the home you are going to raise your children in, for the next 30 years, solar panels make since for your home. That is if your home is running off batteries on full wave inverters. There is an 11 year break even on the inverters and panels, the lithium batteries will have to be replaced 3 times in 30 years.

  9. Liberals and activist environmentalists live in a fantasyland when it comes to solar. I use it for very small applications / experimentation but realize that it is highly unreliable and the technology hasnโ€™t developed to make it a viable replacement for traditional power generation methods. Whatever liberals are ingesting keeps them on a constant journey through La La Land.


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