“She Did Nothing Wrong” – IOTW Report

“She Did Nothing Wrong”

Emerald Robinson

The legendary journalist Lara Logan appeared on TV this week — and caused quite a stir by saying a number of obvious things.

God believes in sovereignty, and national identity, and the sanctity of family, and all the things that we’ve lived with from the beginning of time. And he knows that the open border is Satan’s way of taking control of the world through all of these people who are his stooges and his servants.

And they may think that they’re going to become gods. That’s what they tell us. You all know [WEF stooge Yuval Noah] Harari and all the rest of them at the World Economic Forum. You know, the ones who want us eating insects, cockroaches, and that while they dine on the blood of children? Those are the people, right? They’re not gonna win. They’re not going to win.

Needless to say, “the stooges and the servants” began screaming at all the corrupt corporate media outlets that Lara Logan had gone too far.

She was now a crazy conspiracy theorist. Here’s a clip from her guest appearance.

SNIP: I don’t know if Logan meant the blood thing literally, but stuff like this doesn’t help:
Silicon Valley Doofs Are Spending $8,000 to Inject Themselves with the Blood of Young People And now the FDA is telling them to knock it off. h/t Salty Cracker.

Do you think they knocked it off? lol

14 Comments on “She Did Nothing Wrong”

  1. Demoncrats are the first to attack anything and anyone who believes in G-d or has any moral values whatsoever. Demoncrats, MSNews and the rest of the perverts can stick it up their A$$.

  2. “while they dine on the blood of children”

    …They are literally sacrificing children to Satan, and I wouldn’t put it past people that have thrown their humanity over so completely to actually drink blood, but it may also be this: they dine richly on the profits of the disease that they created and the lethal injection they force on those they would murder to reach their depopulation goals, so the money they purchase their well-marbled steaks with is blood money, or money gained by sacrificing the children of others.

    Hence, they dine of the blood of children.

  3. These “people” may not be dining on the blood of children, but they are certainly trying to remove their souls from their bodies (training them to hate others or themselves, convincing them that they are in the wrong bodies, making them believe that old men sniffing their hair is normal, etc.).

  4. I always hope that people like Lara Logan and Pamela Geller (even Sharyl Attkisson) would find a video outlet where they could be free to tell it like it is. Spot interviews on Newsmax or Fox are simply not free enough to allow the truth to be told. The interwebs are ok but the real connection is live video. Can DJ Trump fix up his video game or can we have OANN back in business to open up the airways?

  5. News Max founder is one of the Clinton Foundations largest donors. Newmax, and FOX News Network, are nothing more than a Business Plan for revenue. It works. Sweet Laura Logan once again got to close to the truth. GONE.


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