She Did This – IOTW Report

She Did This


24 Comments on She Did This

  1. I figured her for a shit spreader!

    We have things like that happen all the time, only the drivers are in their 80’s and 90’s and it’s an “Oh shit I stepped on the wrong pedal”.

  2. People that don’t think things through.

    What, was T-Mobile going to turn her phone back on once they saw how serious she was?

    “OH! Well, if you’re going to drive through the windows, then here is a new phone and service!” Thank You! Buh bye!”


  3. T mobile don’t take ebt as payment. You gotta has cash money. Look at you now fool, you ain’t gots no car. I see you didn’t think that one through now did ya? Meh!

  4. That’s what, about a 40K Nissan Armada? She’s got hair, nail and make-up money….

    Poor money management.

    At least she gets a FREE lawyer and a FREE place to stay with three hots and a cot. But no Facebook.

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