She Didn’t Want to Hurt Her Mom’s Feelings – IOTW Report

She Didn’t Want to Hurt Her Mom’s Feelings

11 Comments on She Didn’t Want to Hurt Her Mom’s Feelings

  1. Too funny. We had a house full of little rug rats. Five grand kids and learned we have another on the way. A great time.
    Pro Tip, Axil Electronic hearing protection (ear buds) works well for such an occasion.

  2. @Brad, do those Axils really work? I mean at the range. I’d like them for shooting my hunting rifle but I’m skeptical and don’t like the idea of losing my hearing.

  3. Maybe it’s just me but that video seemed staged by the mom. At that girl’s age, no way that the first home made spaghetti her mom has made. More than likely the mom put something in the spaghetti to make them taste bad, just so she could video her daughter’s reaction.

    It’s ridiculous what people will do just to have a viral video.

  4. Conservative Cowgirl

    Honestly I don’t shoot at ranges. I haul my steel up to the National Forrest and set up there. If I were shooting at a “stalled” range, parked next to another shooter I don’t think I would trust them. When I’m shooting with them now I occasionally worry about one falling out. But so far so good. I like them a lot for the ease of wearing shooting glasses and ear protection. They do a good job as far as protecting you from noise.

  5. @Brad, I went shooting at a National Forest up in Washington and that WAS even more enjoyable than the outdoor one I go to sort of near me. It is such a hassle with the shooting glasses and and over the ears hearing protection when shooting my rifle. I went to a re-opened outdoor range(funded by Gov. Dippity Doo’s father-in-law.😂) It’s very nice, but it was so damned loud because it has a lot of concrete and only 6 shooters and only rifles. Ugh.

  6. Conservative Cowgirl

    Some of those old ranges amplify sound. They had one here near us that was actually sunk down into the ground. It was like a maze of little walk ways. You couldn’t wear enough ear protection. I really like shooting in the National Forrest or BLM land if you can find it.


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