She Doesn’t Like Seeing Herself On TV – IOTW Report

She Doesn’t Like Seeing Herself On TV

michelle obama snarling

Finally: Something Moochell Obama and I Agree On.

“My bottom teeth stick out a little bit. And if I had had braces, they would be fixed by now. So for all of you who don’t like your braces, you will appreciate it when you’re my age.”

Story @ Diogenes’ Middle Finger

30 Comments on She Doesn’t Like Seeing Herself On TV

  1. Maybe if she had used some of that $300K a year she was gifted for that do nothing political payback she wouldn’t look quite so much like Magilla Gorilla.

  2. … and they make a horrible face and bare their teeth, slowly raising their hideous paws to ward off anything that comes near their kill …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Mooch, don’t worry about your bottom teeth protruding, it’s those damn big lips and that constant scowl on your face that makes you ugly. You can fix the scowl easily, and a good plastic surgeon can fix those big lips of yours. One more thing, keep your pie hole shut.

  4. @LocoBlancoSaltine:

    A couple more election cycles and libtards will want her on the $50.

    What $50? There won’t be any cash any more, too easy to spend it where and when Big Bro isn’t watching.

    But I agree in principle, of course. We’ll see her ugly mug on EBT cards.

  5. She became the darling (Ugh) celed guest on almost all the left leaning network shows, since she became First Hatey. Commies like her love attention, even if they’re as ugly as.Mooch.

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