She Grabbed His Pickleball – IOTW Report

She Grabbed His Pickleball

Dad goes berserk that an older man yelled at his 14 year-old daughter for walking out onto the court and grabbing his pickleball.

Ironically, the dad sounds angry enough to eb an unhinged pickleball player.

32 Comments on She Grabbed His Pickleball

  1. The worst swear word I ever heard my dad utter was “damn”. That’s it. On rate occasions. And if we heard him say it, vacating the area and shutting one’s mouth was advisable. 😁

  2. Mixed emotions on this one. Did the old guy, the guy my age, lol, actually yell at the kid? If he did he’s an asshole. How about just explaining to her what she did was not cool. On to the dad, with the classic dad bod. No shoulders, no arms. Zero legs. Lots of belly. ALL MOUTH. I’m pretty sure there would have been zero confrontation if some buffed guy, like me, lol, yelled at his daughter. He’s a coward.

  3. Is it possible the “old Guy” yelled to get the kid off the court to not get hit or run into?

    And All-U-Can-Eat-Buffet Dad could have talked rather than go ballistic esp if dealing with seniors.

    Sincerely, does anyone remember a time when people were not constantly carrying water wherever they walked, as if they would dehydrate walking from the car to Starbucks?

  4. That girl needs our prayers. She was so mortified at her ass-hat father. She was much more mature than him. Something tells me he’ll be convicted of aggravated sexual assault someday. I hope it’s not her.

  5. ‘Cornhole’ – an activity that people play that have no motor skills in pitching horseshoes
    … used to be known as ‘bean bag toss’, aka a child’s game

  6. ΞœΞŸΞ›Ξ©Ξ ΛΑΒΕ –

    If we’re gonna get into what β€œcornhole” USED to be about, maybe we shouldn’t go there.

    Still puzzles me today.

  7. What you see is one sided as hell.

    I’ll step out on a limb, If someone corrected my granddaughter in a angry, yelling, humiliating manner over an insignificant matter in an insignificant game.
    You would see me crawl over the fence for a face to face discussion that would humiliate the perpetrator.
    Mr. Loudmouth Senior dude should have kept his mouth shut, if he had a problem with the 14 yr. old, talk to dad in a a civilized manner and let Dad speak to his daughter.
    You haven’t seen a real live asshole until you fuck with my children or grandchildren, I suspect the majority here would be the same way, given the facts.

  8. I’m with Brad mixed feelings on this. The pickle ball Nazi’s are out of control and the dad’s language is bad. I would protect my daughter to the end too. I’m sure the old guy was a dick and didn’t expect a man to confront him.

  9. Most of us old farts are old enough to remember what the meaning of cornhole used to be. I first heard the word cornhole back in the late 60’s and early 70’s when I was in HS. We had a teacher at my HS who we referred to as Cornhole who was a little light in his loafers.

  10. In my area, Pickleball has become a cult activity.
    You don’t go near the court, touch their ball or make any remarks about their paddle.
    God forbid you deter from their side hand serve, to the supposed new rule of the bounce serve.
    All the sport needs is a large thermos of Kool aid and the cult is complete.

  11. I have found that up close with eye contact, talking quietly, succinctly, without profanity and in excruciatingly colorful detail is more effective than screaming profanity. In control can be far more intimidating than out of control. We get visitors and patients that try to go feral on us and I’ve had good results. I credit Nurse Ratchet….

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