She Heard They Ran Out of Peanuts? – IOTW Report

She Heard They Ran Out of Peanuts?

Lady has an irrational meltdown, calling the clerk a (what sounds like) rapist. Then she simply walks away.

ht/ petrus

21 Comments on She Heard They Ran Out of Peanuts?

  1. @Jethro! Thanks for the video, we’ll be on Qantas in about 10 days – 15 hour flight to Sydney from SFO. Unfortunately, we’re newbies and won’t get to hob nob with the hootie tootie passengers in the VIP lounge. But, we’re all getting to the same place on the same plane at the same time.

  2. Hillary supporters are easy to spot, even from half an air terminal away.
    ….Lady in Red

    PS: You know: I don’t even think she was drugged or drunk. I think this is her life, from getting up to going back down…..

  3. “I’m sorry miss, I don’t have a seat for you on this flight….”


    “This is a United ticket.”


  4. The girl serving the left & right hooks Big Mac combo at McDonald’s was right – customers are increasingly crazy – and employers need to provide better staff training how to deal with them, and better protection from the nut jobs.
    At least this one finally had her, Oh, never mind, moment and walked away.

  5. Yesterday, I stopped at the Burger King drive through to grab their ten nuggets for a buck deal. They were out of nuggets. I could have shot the place up but I decided to just order something else. It was easy!


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