She is an obvious racist – IOTW Report

She is an obvious racist

She deserves what she had coming to her for not giving the nice man her number.

30 Comments on She is an obvious racist

  1. OH NO, no one hits you in the face like that and then another POS comes around and slaps you!! Who the HELL raised these men???? Sick to my stomach to know they actually exist and probably live off our taxes.

    Say your prayers everyday!

    God Bless us all!

  2. Aaron the Moor,

    “I have done one thousand dreadful things as willingly as one would kill a fly, and nothing grieves me heartily indeed but that I cannot do ten thousand more.”

    And here we have it.

  3. My first thought was why was she in the jungle? White girls should never be in the jungle. My second thought you try that with me and you will find yourself with a hole in you along with your friend.

  4. This is the “new normal.” I.e. progressivism has been cultivated, grown in acceptance, been accepted by a critical mass and is being implemented. It is a brutal, wicked and evil worldview by western standards that by design is hell bent on increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. Yet there are still those who buy into the lies that are propagated and propaganda surrounding it.

  5. @Hambone

    Russian men (& most eastern Europe) do not arrest & charge their men for protecting their women like France, Canuckistan, England, NZ, Australia, & Democrap America.
    (you know the Soy Boy encouraging Countries)


  6. can we assume that she is only one of many accosted that day? isnt diversity grand? its a shame that the folks who pushed the diversity bull cant suffer like the rest of society. in spades.

  7. Kcir, there was just a story of the Russian who said a video of a “friend” raping his 8-year old daughter. The Russian beat his friend to death. The judge let him go, as he should have. Justice served (although you still can’t call that justice when it’s an 8-year old girl).

  8. We are told the plight of the “inner city” is a cultural problem, NOT a racial one. So why is it, that the world over, in every country, people of one particular race, no mater what culture they came from, all seem to behave in the same anti-social manner?


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