She is the Marine Corps’ First Female Infantry Officer – 1st Woman Qualified To Lead Infantry Platoon – IOTW Report

She is the Marine Corps’ First Female Infantry Officer – 1st Woman Qualified To Lead Infantry Platoon

The first woman to complete Infantry Officer Course graduated on Sept. 25, 2017 at Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia. The lieutenant is the first female Marine qualified to lead an infantry platoon. The video shows U.S. Marines participating in a final exercise during the Infantry Officer Course at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, California. Infantry Officer Course is considered one of the military’s toughest training

See her HERE

ht/ all too much


29 Comments on She is the Marine Corps’ First Female Infantry Officer – 1st Woman Qualified To Lead Infantry Platoon

  1. Absolutelyfuckingawesome. I wish her well. Pity the guys under her command. It’s that time of the month you know. I lost an earring.
    Oh my nails! Where is my purse? Gimmeafookenbreak!

  2. Frankly? Part of me is really against women in combat and part of me is still the twenty-someone who has been up against the wall of male chauvinism that said that because I’m a woman, my brain is too small to be a fully-realized human being; that I was the equivalent of a child and always would be.

    It wasn’t that long ago and I will be forever grateful to have the opportunity to be an airman. It was that experience alone that gave me the credibility to compete in the business world. Thank God America is a meritocracy.

  3. Remember the woman pilot back in the ’90’s who was killed when she crashed her plane into the end of the air craft carrier? To begin with, no pilot who belonged on an aircraft carrier would have been in that situation. Second, there was something she could have easily done to get out of that situation. When they put (male) pilots into simulators to see if they could have gotten out of the situation — which they would not have been in to begin with — they were ordered NOT to use that easy maneuver because the navy did not want it known that a competent pilot would have been safe. Third, it came out that the woman had at least three major screw-ups in training but was still allowed to graduate — a male would have washed out with one minor screw-up.

    In other words, color me sceptical about this marine.

  4. RadioMattM — You raise an important point, but who is to say it was because she was female? If that were true, then no airline would hire and train and employ female pilots. And there are plenty of pilots in the military, both fixed and rotor aircraft. One of POTUS Trump’s Marine One pilots is a woman. If there is blame to be found, it would be with the officers/administrators who ignored the warnings of her incompetence, yes? Is that what you are saying?

  5. I like to watch track and field and biking sports, including mountain biking. While I certainly have respect for the ability of women at the top ends of any sport, I find it to be a universal constant that the slowest men at the elite level are still faster than the fastest women. The push to pretend that top level women perform on par with top level men is as preposterous as it is dangerous when applied to organizations like the Marines. God help the people under her command when they need to hump a half mile in 3 minutes with full packs and she can’t hack it. FFS, when will the stupidity in this country end?

  6. AA — I am not saying that women are not qualified to be pilots. I am open to the idea that a woman could be a carrier pilot (whether a woman should be a carrier pilot is another discussion).

    The issue with that female pilot in the ’90’s is that she was in no way qualified to be a carrier pilot. She was pushed through with a record much worse than what would have disqualified a male pilot. She put herself in a situation that a male pilot would not have put himself in — because a male pilot who would have put himself in that situation would not have been given the opportunity to begin with.

    Not that it is military, but what about the woman who was able to join the NYFD even though she flunked the physical ability test three times (IIRC)? Some court decided that the NYFD had to hire her because she was a woman.

    I hope this Marine does well and proves to be a great leader. However, in this day and age — when the track record is to put women in way over their heads because having a woman in the position is considered more important than having a qualified person in the position — I can’t help but be a bit sceptical. That is not to say that there aren’t women who would not be qualified — it’s just that qualifications just don’t seem to be important when “social justice” is involved.

  7. Female pilots, why not. But being a pilot is worlds away from the rigors of ground combat. I know she is not qualified. Even if she managed to squeak by the training she just doesn’t belong in the environment. I’m sick of women wanting to be excepted into every aspect of a mans world. You can safely bet there was plenty of political pressure to get her where she is. Its just bullshit and more blurring of the distinction between men and women.

  8. I give her credit for achieving what she has, but the fact of the matter is the enemy won’t. Being a woman means nothing to the enemy, unless she’s captured. Then she’s used for a lot of things including bait. I’m not a military man, but a woman on the battlefield is a liability no matter who’s foxhole she’s in. I feel it is better for women to serve their country in so many other ways than that.

  9. Pretty sure I couldn’t have passed that Infantry Officer Course in my early 20’s.

    Not counting the whole ‘first one’ thing, that is a solid accomplishment she should be proud of for the rest of her life.

    I’d buy that young lieutenant a beer based on passing that shit grinder alone.

  10. Affirmative Action gone Mad.
    If the Marines hadn’t lowered “standards” she never would have made it through Boot Camp.

    Good Luck, America … it’s “Twilight Time …”
    (Not what The Platters were singing about)

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. RadioMattM — Agreed and agreed. Zero requirements should ever be relaxed just to accommodate a woman — or a man for that matter. If it puts the people in their command or in their team in peril it is just plain wrong-headed and dangerous.

    But there is one thing that shouldn’t be ignored and I’ll go ahead and say it, though it will not be very popular: There was also a time when white men sincerely believed that black men — other minorities too — but black men, especially, were not fit to serve alongside them. And it is in this that I truly have empathy for being shut out of “a man’s world” just because someone declared “it’s a man’s world.” Unless you’ve been on the losing side of that equation, it’s impossible to know the impotent rage of lost opportunity or wasted potential based simply on your gender — or your skin color. Having been in the military myself, I can tell you unequivocally that I’ve been lead by men who may have had the physical ability, but whose mental acuity or character would pose just as grave a danger to those in their command. I’m sure you’ll agree that leadership is a lot more than physical ability and she must have what it takes to get through Quantico.

  12. If she passed, she passed.
    I couldn’t
    If they relaxed the standards, that’s another question entirely.
    But all that aside, there are little guys in the Marines, prolly smaller than her. If they can kick ass, so can she.

  13. “a male would have washed out with one minor screw-up.” RadioMatt
    Well, yeah, unless your daddy and grandaddy were admirals.
    John McCain, only reverse ace ever thought to be a ‘hero’.

  14. Not sure about Marine infantry training, but in Army infantry training, when the men carry 100# packs, the women carry 80# packs. While the Marine training is certainly more rigorous than the Army, there is no doubt they had to lower their standards for women.

  15. I do not understand. I would not ever qualify to be a brain surgeon. How does that make me wrong to expect that someone performing brain surgery on me meet the same stringent qualifications as everyone else who is a brain surgeon? By the logic of some of you I have no right to question the qualifications of an affirmative-action case to be called a brain surgeon because I would not qualify to be a brain surgeon.

    I am sure this woman is much more qualified than I am to be in her position. So? I did not realized that the Marine Corp based their qualifications for field leaders on whatever RadioMattM could or could not do.

    If you have been paying attention at all then you know that standards have been lowered for the specific reason of putting certain people into certain positions. If a woman can pass the same stringent tests that a man has to pass then there is no issue with qualifications. But to lower standards just so women can pass them is wrong. I just hope that is not the case here.

  16. as long as the training program and her instructors didn’t use lower, easier standards in order to pass her for Infantry, then I have no problem with this.

    But DACOWITS for the most part has fucked up our military in so many ways, all in the name of Political Correctness. I am worried it’ll take a WWIII and new leaders along the line of sumbitches like Ernie King and Marshall to return our military to reality.

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