She Needs Clarification – IOTW Report

She Needs Clarification

55 Comments on She Needs Clarification

  1. America was great when we were the richest, most productive, most inovative, most powerful and most generous nation on the face of the Earth that the Kenyan kremepuff had to “fundamentally transform”!

  2. If she actually asked “Trumpers,” she probably got lots of good answers. She just went strutting away after asking what she thought was a “gotcha” question so she never listened to the answers and just called them “barking.”

  3. Many things stand out. One of them was the Northwest Ordnance, which declared the territory north of the Ohio river west of Pennsylvania and as far as present day Wisconsin to be free of slavery.

    And where else in the world is there a majority, or at the very least a sizable minority that the best society is made up of free and independent people?

    UK? Canada? Australia? New Zealand? None of them. All they are good for is giving up their freedoms. Now our country is being transformed by loutish hordes from the south who have no inkling of what American freedon is all about.

    Now this tongue-clacking yellow-toothed little shit is trying to tell us we’re no good. She should hike by herself through the jungles of New Guniea. Is she survives she’ll know what real eff-ed up countries are like.

  4. Pokin’ the saltine –
    Yup… with creds to Loco for the entertainment tho. Sometimes I agree with with the cracker, sometimes I don’t, especially when he’s ahhhh, maybe imbibing. Then he’d rather argue than debate. Most of us deserve a friendly Hertz Donut every now and then.

  5. This so-called Dr. Zebrah is engaged in flat-out fakery. She has posted a picture of her brother she says is confined to an iron lung. You can easily see that it is not a person, but a manniken, and possibly just it’s head.


  6. She needs more than “clarification.”

    Electrification, perhaps? Or petrification, possibly?

    How about I just bend her over my knee and spank the snot out of the beotch?

  7. “Pokin’ the saltine”

    My guess is there’s a 50/50 he chuckled at that. Now he’s trying to come up with the proper response. It’s like on online game of Chess. Well, checkers anyway.

  8. Well you start with ugly libtard adults, who spawn an ugly irrelevant ugly child, and this is what you end up with. Ugly and irrelevant. It keeps her up at night. Well that and her vibrator.

  9. I would say prior to 1913 when Congress sold it’s soul to the bankers but it took until the overt communist insurgency beginning in the 1960s to complete the destruction. Since then, the mission was to infiltrate and subvert every aspect of our way of life so that when their treason became obvious, there was no way to reverse the damage. And here we are.

  10. The passage of the 16th and 17th Amendments initiated the Decline of the United States.

    That Decline became steeper with the passage of time, culminating with the present Usurpation of the Presidency, Vice Presidency, many Members of both Houses of Congress, and the illiterate stooges on the SCROTUS.

    It’s easier to destroy than to build and, at least since the mal-administration of Jimminy Carter, the Nazi/Bolshevist wing of the Uniparty has worked strenuously to destroy this once-great nation, aided and abetted by the Menshevist wing.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. In no particular order-

    It was great when people came here to make a life for themselves and their families and not merely to receive largesse from the public treasury.

    It was great when we embraced the Melting Pot idea for our nation.

    It was great when American citizenship was something to be desired and was held in high esteem.

    It was great when the body-politic knew that Socialism and Communism were evil and have no place here.

    It was great when every aspect of one’s life was not a political issue and, therefore, a matter for The State to be involved.

    It was great when, whether Democrat or Republican, people agreed on fundamental values and knew the difference between the sacred and the profane.

    It was great when The National Anthem, Pledging to the Flag, The Fourth of July parade, or Columbus Day celebrations were not something controversial to be protested.

    It was great when dismissive, smug, arrogant people like the woman in the video didn’t think they were, somehow, more righteous and of a higher moral caliber, and above the United States of America.

  12. what happens when self absorption is top of the heap. no clue the universe is endless and expanding exponentially in all directions, with no other signs of similar life. the possibility of existence for her or any other person on earth is so miniscule the equation is infinite. couple the minute chance of human existence with the thoughts and ideas of just one human times billions, one can grasp the immensity of just how grateful we should be for life. let the universe ring of freedom. if this woman was really unable to recognize american greatness, she would not waste her little time on earth convincing others, but seek out the people and lands that are complementary to the self destruction she embraces.


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