She Obviously Made a Vow That Whatever Job She Had She’d Do It Horribly – IOTW Report

She Obviously Made a Vow That Whatever Job She Had She’d Do It Horribly

Here’s an airport luggage handler-

41 Comments on She Obviously Made a Vow That Whatever Job She Had She’d Do It Horribly

  1. And who is surprised by this?

    ‘Cannot remember’ the last time I traveled by plane.

    ROAD trips are the best, so much to learn and SEE!

  2. Not nearly as bad as it looks She’s dropping the luggage on a moving platform at a 30 degree angle. Probably less energy than dropping it from 4 feet in the air straight down.

  3. Years ago I knew a guy who worked for Piedmont (remember them?) out of National (Ronald Reagan International) Airport and this is pretty much de rigueur (that’s wop for “SOP”).

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Watch the Idiots at Miamuh Interntional….They don’t use the

    Conveyor Belt…Watched em toss My Golf Clubs out and of course

    they landed on the Heads…In a puddle of water…from 15′ up.

    I drive everywhere now.

  5. And if they have to courage to fire this slow- working destructor, she will work in elder care or the VA and treat the patients I st as bad, and it will take a videotape to get her fired there. Her coworkers and boss know she is slow and stupid. But they are afraid of being called racist.

  6. I have been to between 15 and 20 major airports in my adult life. At every single one of them, blacks (primarily) and some Hispanics/Pacific Islanders make up ALL the baggage handling staff. Where is the diversity???

  7. There have been several airplane crashes caused by improperly closed baggage doors, or doors damaged by stupid baggage handlers like the one in the video. And just let the airline try and fire her!

  8. Years ago, my wife and I bought a luggage set. The first time we checked the large suitcase we picked it up at the baggage carousel and they somehow ripped the zipper pulls off the main compartment. Since then it has had 10 gauge copper wire twisted around the zipper glides, cut with rusty, dull dikes. The wire is sharp and stiff, I hope it wrecks everything that comes in contact with it!

  9. Giving a rats ass about the quality of your work is reserved for folks who were raised that way, another example of privilege is to actually take pride in what you do..anyone who has not experienced reverse racism has obviously not flown recently..the contempt is palpable

  10. i never pictured my luggage treated like it was fragile. I figured it is treated like fedex or ups. Not tenderly. Just be grateful she doesnt sit on the stuff.

    last time i flew was 2006. Just dont like being in a tube at 30k feet with 100 other people.

  11. Looks a lot like what I witnessed at Atlanta last time I was there. Deliberate contempt.
    I was also genuinely alarmed that these 35 IQ hostiles were responsible for sealing compartments prior to flight.

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