She Out – IOTW Report

She Out

Also, she can’t breath.

School official facing potential charges for breaking up students fighting by using a “choke hold.”

No charges, though, for not flunking the student who keeps saying, “she out,” on the video.




16 Comments on She Out

  1. Yea well the bitch was faking. It takes about 1 minutes off oxygen deprivation to the normal human brain to black out. But she’s probably not normal. Educators have made their own bed. Enjoy the law suits bitches.

  2. @Bad_Brad – That number didn’t sound right, and as I’m no MMA expert I did a little research. About one minute is a fair estimate for an air choke (compressing trachea to stop the breathing), but a blood choke is much faster. It wasn’t quite possible to see what choke hold was used in the video, but if it was a well-placed hold that shut down carotid blood flow to the brain, it could have caused unconsciousness in as little as 10 seconds. I found info on MMA web sites as well as law enforcement and NIH pages.

    Yep, she very well could have faked it, but not necessarily.

  3. Al, been there done that. He’s clearly chocking the front of her throat. Not very well either. I could be wrong, looks like all air and no blood to me. No matter. It was justified. But in left ville, they might as well let them kill each other. The get sued for that too, but oh well.

  4. Thanks for the clarity, BB. I seem to remember reading a near-future novel where the cops had something that resembled silly string from a spray can, but it was a log stronger and much stickier. That would be handy for, uh, quieting down an excited person pretty quickly!

  5. Choking some one out either by blood or oxygen is not nearly as easy as it sounds. It burns a lot of energy. And if your in a crowd it ties you up and makes you vulnerable. I’m a wrestler but getting wrapped up with someone in a crowd is all bad. Won’t do it.

  6. I wish the cry babies criticizing this man were in his position of having to control violent feral animals on a daily basis. Maybe these savages should be allowed to fight to the death. But that simple solution is probably racisss too, right?

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